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47 total results found

Introduction and overview

PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: Guide to Softwar...

Chapter 1: Permutational ANOVA and MANOVA (PERMANOVA)

PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: Guide to Softwar...

Key references: Method: Anderson (2001a), McArdle & Anderson (2001) Permutation techniques: Anderson (2001b), Anderson & ter Braak (2003)

Chapter 2: Tests of homogeneity of dispersions (PERMDISP)

PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: Guide to Softwar...

Key reference Method: Anderson (2006)

Chapter 3: Principal coordinates analysis (PCO)

PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: Guide to Softwar...

Key references Method: Torgerson (1958), Gower (1966)

Chapter 4: Distance-based linear models (DISTLM) and distance-based redundancy analysis (dbRDA)

PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: Guide to Softwar...

Key references Method: Legendre & Anderson (1999), McArdle & Anderson (2001) Permutation methods: Freedman & Lane (1983), Anderson & Legendre (1999), Anderson & Robinson (2001), Anderson (2001b)

Chapter 5: Canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP)

PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: Guide to Softwar...

Key references Method: Anderson & Robinson (2003), Anderson & Willis (2003)


PERMANOVA+ for PRIMER: Guide to Softwar...


PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

An overview of the software.

A brief tour through the operation of PRIMER v7

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

A brief tour through the operation of PRIMER v7

0. Trial version, Help system, Manuals, Updates, Install and Uninstall (Help)

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

1. Opening, editing and saving data (File, Edit)

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

2. Factors (and Indicators), identifying sample (and species) groups

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

3. Highlighting and selection (Select)

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

4. Pre-treatment options

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

5. Resemblance: similarities, dissimilarities and distances

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

6. Clustering methods (CLUSTER, SIMPROF, UNCTREE, kRCLUSTER)

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

7. Managing the workspace and plotting (Window, File, View, Multi Plot, Plots)

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

8. Multi-dimensional scaling (Non-metric nMDS, Metric mMDS, Combined MDS)

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

9. Analysis of Similarity tests (unordered and ordered ANOSIM)

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial

10. Wizards and species analyses (Basic MVA, Coherence plots, Matrix display, SIMPER)

PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial