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9. Analysis of Similarity tests (unordered and ordered ANOSIM)

ANOSIM introduction

The series of ANOSIM (analysis of similarity) tests, accessed through Analyse>ANOSIM, operate on ...

1-way layout (WA fish diet example)

Return to the W Australian fish diet data, introduced at the start of Section 4 and last seen und...

Pairwise comparisons

The table ending the results window gives the pairwise comparisons. For each pair of groups (fish...

Other 1-way ANOSIM options

Checking the (✓Pairwise tests to worksheet) box has also sent the above R values to a worksheet i...

1-way layout (Biomarkers example)

ANOSIM applies equally well to data on environmental, biomarker or morphometric variables, which ...

1-way ordered ANOSIM (Ekofisk oil-field study)

However, for the Ekofisk oil-field study of the last section there is a postulated cause for bent...

2-way crossed ANOSIM (Tasmanian crabs study)

An example of a 2-way crossed layout was introduced in Section 1, for meiofaunal communities in s...

2-way crossed ANOSIM (Danish sediment data; Phuket coral reefs)

For an example of a 2-way crossed ANOSIM test in a very different context, save and close the abo...

1-way ordered without replication

In the unordered 1-way design, replication is essential for any sort of test (otherwise how can y...

2-way crossed ordered test

The test for an ordered factor (A) in the 2-way crossed design parallels the construction seen ea...

ANOSIM for 2-way crossed design with no replication (Exe study)

The 2-way crossed ANOSIM for an unordered factor, and with each combination of the two factors on...

2-way nested ANOSIM (Calafuria macroalgae)

Subtidal rocky reefs, at ca 10m depth, at the Calafuria station in the Ligurian Sea, N Italy, wer...

3-way crossed ANOSIM (King Wrasse diets)

A dietary study of W Australian fish concerns composition by the volume of taxa (21 broad dietary...

3-way fully nested design (NZ holdfast fauna)

The 3-way fully nested design has factor C at the lowest level, nested in B at the mid level, whi...

3-way crossed /nested design (Tees Bay macrofauna)

The two other possible 3-way designs can be written C(A$\times$B) and B$\times$C(A). The first is...