Chapter 3: Principal coordinates analysis (PCO)
Key references
Method: Torgerson (1958), Gower (1966)
3.1 General description
Key references Method: , PCO is a routine for performing principal coordinates analysis () ...
3.2 Rationale
It is difficult to visualise patterns in the responses of whole sets of variables simultaneously....
3.3 Mechanics of PCO
To construct axes that maximise fitted variation (or minimise residual variation) in the cloud of...
3.4 Example: Victorian avifauna
As an example, consider the data on Victorian avifauna at the level of individual surveys, in the...
3.5 Negative eigenvalues
The sharp-sighted will have noticed a conundrum in the output given for the Victorian avifauna sh...
3.6 Vector overlays
A new feature of the PERMANOVA+ add-on package is the ability to add vector overlays onto graphic...
3.7 PCO versus PCA (Clyde environmental data)
Principal components analysis (PCA) is described in detail in chapter 4 of . As stated earlier, P...
3.8 Distances among centroids (Okura macrofauna)
In chapter 1, the difficulty in calculating centroids for non-Euclidean resemblance measures was ...
3.9 PCO versus MDS
We recommend that, for routine ordination to visualise multivariate data on the basis of a chosen...