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Creating & filling in factors
In the Factors dialog box (obtained from Edit>Factors on Tasmania nematodes) take Add>(Add factor named: Blk). The cursor is then at the top of the new (blank) label column, ready to start typing. You need only put in the first entry for each new level (B1, B2...
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete in factors
An alternative (and clumsier!) way of creating this factor would be type in the top half, then high¬light and Edit>Copy these 8 entries and Edit>Paste them when the cursor is at the start of the lower set. (Pasting does, of course, overwrite existing entries, ...
Renaming & reordering factors
Finally, to make factors in the Tasmania nematodes sheet consistent with the text format copepod files of Section 1, rename the Treatment factor as Trt using Rename>(Rename factor Treatment to: Trt), and rearrange the order of factors to put Blk first, with Re...
Multiple sessions and recent workspaces
As a further example of Fill>Value to quickly set up a factor of group levels you might like to re-open the saved workspace from the oil-field study of Section 1, Ekofisk ws.pwk. Taking File>Open and supplying the workspace name from the directory C:\Examples ...
Combining factors (e.g. to average)
With the Tasmania nematodes sheet active, open the Factors dialog with Edit>Factors. Combining factors (Combine) can be a quick and effective way of creating new factors or composite sample names in nested or crossed layouts. Firstly, though, it is usually use...
Factor keys
A further button on the Edit>Factors dialog box is Key, which you could examine with the factors for the Tasmania nematodes. With the cursor somewhere on the combined Blk-Trt factor, clicking Key gives a display of symbol type and colour for each of the 8 fact...
Importing factors
New factors can be created at several stages during an analysis, not just when the active window is a data sheet (e.g. from a resemblance matrix or even a plot) and the new information is propagated both forwards and backwards through the same branch on the Ex...
Label matching
Alternatively, the same endpoint could have been achieved by Adding three new blank factors to the copepod sheet and copying and pasting the contents of the Blk, Trt and Blk-Trt columns from the nematode factor sheet. If importing entries from an external sour...
Factors in *.xls(x) or *.txt files
As noted in Section 1, factors can be created as part of the Excel or text files which are the usual means of inputting data to PRIMER 7. Similarly, data sheets that are saved from PRIMER to Excel (*.xls or *.xlsx) or text (*.txt) formats will automatically ex...
Creating indicators on variables
Indicator is the term PRIMER uses for a factor defined on the variables not on the samples. It is convenient to use a separate term because ‘factor’ has a well-established statistical meaning (e.g. in ANOVA-type layouts), and refers to structures defined on sa...
Indicators in selection
Selection by indicator levels is demonstrated by Select>Variables>(•Indicator levels)>(Indicator name: ID?)>Levels>(Include: 1) & (Available: 0), giving a subset of the Tasmania copepods data sheet which drops the undetermined species. Of course, for such a s...
Variable information (aggregation files)
However, the full range of hierarchical indicators represented by a Linnaean classification (which species belong to which genera, which genera to families, families to orders, etc) are usually also best held separately, as a different type of array – that of...
Highlight and select
There are many cases in which analyses of different subsets of the samples or species are required. This can be easily achieved, without the need to create large numbers of separate datasheets, by temporarily selecting subsets from a single sheet, analysing th...
(W Australia fish diets)
Dietary data on the gut contents of 7 marine fish species found in nearshore waters of the lower west coast of Western Australia are reported by Hourston M, Platell ME, Valesini FJ, Potter IC 2004, J Mar Biol Assoc UK 84: 805-817 and Schafer LN, Platell ME, Va...
Summary Statistics
File>Open>Filename: WA fish diets %vol, and examine the factors sheet with Edit>Factors. The samples form 7 groups (identified in the labels by A to G) which are the different predator species, three of which, B: Sillago schomburgkii (n = 10), E: Sillago bass...
Control of highlighting
Thus, with the WA fish diets %vol datasheet as the active window, highlight all columns except the three samples A9, B3 and B4. There are various ways of doing this. Clicking on a column label highlights that column (in light blue shading if the default Window...
Selecting & deselecting highlights
When all except columns A9, B3 and B4 are highlighted, take Select>Highlighted. Alternatively, right click when over the data and a drop-down menu will appear, of operations from the Edit and Select menus, including Select highlighted. The matrix entries now h...
Duplicating a selected worksheet
Though most Save operations are on whole workspaces, occasionally a data matrix needs to be saved externally, perhaps because it is needed in a different workspace or with other software. In order to protect against overwriting an original, external, data file...
Selecting by factor levels
The highlighting route to selection can be bypassed altogether using the other options on the Select main menu, Select>Samples and Select>Variables (and an example of the latter was seen in the previous section). Here, to select only those samples from the thr...
Multiple selections
It is important to note the effect of this second selection on WA fish diets %vol; it produces a sheet of all samples from these three Sillago species. The prior exclusion of samples A9, B3 and B4 has been ignored – each new selection is a fresh operation on t...