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Seriation with replication
Return to the macrofaunal data set from the Ekofisk oilfield, with workspace Ekofisk ws last save...
2-way RELATE for seriation
A new feature in PRIMER 7 parallels that discussed for the BEST analysis of the previous section,...
RELATE test on two biotic arrays
Given the breakdown of the serial gradient structure for 1987, is it now the case that the patter...
Seriation (Phuket coral transects)
The Phuket coral-reef assemblages at equi-spaced positions down an onshore-offshore gradient (tr...
RELATE hypothesis test
A permutation test can be applied to the matching coefficient $\rho$ between any two resemblance ...
Model matrix construction
Model matrices corresponding to more complicated structures than simple seriation or cyclicity ne...
RELATE on resemblance matrices
The BEST routine in the previous section introduced the concept of measuring how closely related ...
Missing data in linkage trees
Note that LINKTREE is able to tolerate some missing data in the abiotic matrix – the piecemeal fo...
Low values of B% correspond to samples which are rather close together on the MDS plot and the qu...
LINKTREE (Messolongi lagoons data
Continuing the lagoon diatom study, having first selected (highlighting then Select>Highlighted) ...
Non-metric, non-linear, non-additive
The Analyse>Cluster>LINKTREE routine has a number of features that are designed to mesh to the PR...
Linkage trees – rationale
Another technique for linking sample patterns based on assemblage data to a suite of environmenta...
Global BEST test
The question of statistical significance testing on the results of the Bio-Env (or BVStep) proced...
(Messolongi diatoms & abiotic data)
A study of diatom assemblages (abundances of 193 species) at 17 sites in the lagoons of Messol-on...
BEST results detail
The Next > button now takes you to a Results dialog box, which controls two features of the BEST ...
Limiting the number of combinations
The final area of the main BEST dialog, headed Permutations, which carries out the global BEST te...
The BEST matching statistic, $\rho$
On the mid-right of the main dialog for BEST, the box headed (Correlation method:) now offers thr...
2-way BEST
On the right of this main dialog box for BEST is another option new to PRIMER 7, also covered in ...
Selecting variables & resemblance
After the (✓Group variables(indicator)) check box, the next option is a Select variables/groups b...
Grouping variables in BEST
After the initial choice of Method, the next area on the BEST dialog inputs the explanatory (fitt...