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7.2 Type 2 and type 3 SIMPROF tests
describe in full detail a range of useful SIMPROF tests, which they classify as Types 1, 2 and 3...
6.18 Recommendations
For typical species abundance matrices, it is much preferable to use a non-parametric ANOSIM-ty...
6.17 Example: Tees Bay macrofauna
The final example in this chapter is of a mixed nested and crossed design B$\times$C(A), for a to...
6.16 Example: NZ kelp holdfast macrofauna
We now consider the fully nested design, C(B(A)). In north-eastern New Zealand, examined assembl...
6.15 Example: King Wrasse fish diets, WA
We begin the 3-factor examples with a fully crossed design A$\times$B$\times$C of the composition...
6.14 Three-way ANOSIM designs
Table 6.4 details all viable combinations of 3 factors, A, B, C, in crossed/nested form, ordered/...
6.12 Two-way ordered ANOSIM designs
Under the non-parametric framework adopted in this manual (and in the PRIMER package) three forms...
6.11 Example: Ekofisk oil-field macrofauna
studied the soft-sediment macrobenthos at 39 sites at different distances (100m to 8km) and diff...
6.10 ANOSIM for ordered factors
Generalised ANOSIM statistic for the 1-way case Now return to the simple one-way case of page 6.2...
6.9 Example: Exe nematodes (no replication and missing data)
A final example demonstrates a positive outcome to such a test, in a common case of a 2-way layou...
6.7 Example: Eaglehawk Neck meiofauna (two-way crossed case)
An example of a two-way crossed design is given in and is introduced more fully here in Chapter ...
6.6 Example: Clyde nematodes (2-way nested case)
analysed meiobenthic communities from three putatively polluted (P) areas of the Firth of Clyde ...
6.3 Example: Frierfjord macrofauna
The rank similarities underlying Fig. 6.3 are shown in Table 6.2 (note that these are the similar...
6.2 ANOSIM for the one-way layout
Fig.6.3 displays the MDS based only on the 12 samples (4 replicates per site) from the B, C and D...
6.1 Univariate tests and multivariate tests
Many community data sets possess some a priori defined structure within the set of samples, for e...
Taxonomic distinctness
One of the distinctive features of PRIMER is its inclusion of a suite of biodiversity measures ba...
Input/output for diversity; Presentation of diversity information
PRIMER computes an extensive set of univariate diversity measures, covering most of the standard ...
(Mesocosm experiment, Solberg¬strand copepods)
The illustration used here is a simple 1-way design of 3 mesocosm treatments: Control (C), Low (L...
Multivariate dispersion MVDISP
One of the few multivariate routines not so far met is Analyse>MVDISP, applied to a resemblance m...
BVStep from random starts
Starting the iterative search process from a blank species list is certainly not guaranteed to ge...