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BVStep starting and stopping options
On B-C on 4rt, Analyse>BEST>(Method•BVSTEP) & (Worksheet: 4rt data), taking the defaults for all ...
BVStep (Morlaix macrofauna)
Re-open the Morlaix ws workspace in C:\Examples v7\Morlaix macrofauna from earlier in this sectio...
Species sets ‘explaining’ the overall pattern
The main application area for the BVStep routine introduced by Clarke KR & Warwick RM 1998, Oecol...
BVStep stepwise selection
There is one fundamental problem with applying BEST (Bio-Env) in many of the above scenarios: the...
Other BEST applications
Another situation employing rank correlation ($\rho$) between two resemblance matrices is the BES...
(Calafuria macroalgae experiment)
The Calafuria macroalgal recolonisation experiment monitored the same physical rock patches over ...
(Tees Bay macrofauna)
The workspace Tees ws was saved in Section 9; if not available open the data Tees macrobenthic ab...
2STAGE for time series and repeated measures
In the context of a 2-factor design, PRIMER makes a 2nd stage matrix very simple to produce but i...
(Phuket coral transect)
Open the workspace Phuket ws, of coral cover for the Ko Phuket transect A, in C:\Examples v7\ Phu...
5.9 Example: Okura estuary macrofauna
describe macrofauna samples from the Okura estuary {O}, on the northern fringes of urban Aucklan...
5.8 Further nMDS/mMDS developments
Higher dimensional solutions MDS solutions can be sought in higher dimensions and we noted previo...
5.7 MDS strengths and weaknesses
MDS strengths MDS is simple in concept. The numerical algorithm is undeniably complex, but it ...
5.4 EXAMPLE: Dosing experiment, Solbergstrand
The nematode abundance data from the dosing experiment {D} at the GEEP Oslo Workshop was previous...
5.2 Non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS)
The method of non-metric MDS was introduced by and , for application to problems in psychology; ...
4.4 PCA for environmental data
The above example makes it clear that PCA is an unsatisfactory ordination method for biological d...
4.2 Principal components analysis
The starting point for PCA is the original data matrix rather than a derived similarity matrix (t...
4.1 Ordinations
An ordination is a map of the samples, usually in two or three dimensions, in which the placement...
3.6 Binary divisive clustering
All discussion so far has been in terms of hierarchical agglomerative clustering, in which sample...
3.5 Similarity profiles (SIMPROF)
Given the form of the dendrogram in Fig. 3.3, with high similarities in apparently tightly define...
3.3 Example: Bristol Channel zooplankton
perform hierarchical cluster analyses of zooplankton samples, collected by double oblique net ha...