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Copying & pasting plots externally
Returning to the main point of the previous example, the production of the dendrogram, note that ...
Cophenetic correlation
The dendrogram is displayed in a plot window, and a separate Results window gives a detailed list...
(Exe estuary nematodes)
Assemblage data on 140 species of free-living marine nematodes at 19 sites (labelled 1-19) in the...
Modifying plots in PRIMER
Though PRIMER 7 does not attempt to replicate all the facilities available in graphics presentati...
Clustering methods & choice of linkage
PRIMER 7 now carries out a wider range of clustering methods than previously: a) hierarchical agg...
Saving & opening triangular matrices
File>Save Resem As will save a resemblance matrix in internal binary PRIMER v7 (*.sid) format, th...
Corrections for missing data
Returning to the main purpose of resemblance measures, to describe similarity among samples, an i...
Correlation as similarity
Use of a correlation matrix between all pairs of variables as input to a multivariate ordination ...
Correlation between variables
One context in which resemblances between variables is often of primary interest is in dealing wi...
Analysing between variables
The introduction above of the concept of ‘distances’ among species raises the issue of how best t...
Relatedness supplied as resemblances
Note the alternative means of supplying the variable information, to these dissimilarity measures...
(Groundfish of European shelf waters)
Assemblage data from 93 groundfish species, those that could be reliably sampled and identified i...
Taxonomic distinctness/ aggregation files
A later section (15) discusses univariate diversity indices that can be computed from each sample...
(Plymouth particle-size analysis)
An example of a particle-size analysis (PSA) matrix has already been seen for Danish sediments at...
Between-curve distances
Another useful application of multivariate methods was touched on at the end of Section 4, namely...
Other coefficients
Returning to the quantitative resemblance coefficients in the •Others list, five further measures...
Distance measures
The distance measures defined by L&L and calculated by PRIMER 7 (in addition to $D_1$) are: $ D_2...
Presence/ Absence similarities
There are numerous similarity measures defined for simple species lists, i.e. when the data consi...
Quantitative measures on P/A data; Unravelling resemblances; Scatter plots
It is instructive to draw the other links between quantitative coefficients and the presence/abse...
Quantitative similarity measures
In addition to Bray-Curtis $S_{17}$, and its zero-adjusted modification, PRIMER 7 also calculates...