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Step 4 (continued): Key additional details about PERMANOVA in PRIMER
Following the PERMANOVA table of results, a suite of key additional details regarding the analysi...
3.1 Compare example output
PERMANOVA vs 'adonis2' It is instructive to look at a particular example. Let's compare the resul...
5. References
Anderson (2001a) Anderson, M.J. (2001a) A new method for non-parametric multivaria...
4.1 Final cautionary notes
The purpose of this exposé has been to highlight some important pros and cons associated with usi...
3.2 Results don't match
When we compare the output obtained using the two different pieces of software, we can see that t...
(Ekofisk abiotic data)
For the 39 sites around the Ekofisk oil-field, environmental data is available on concentrations ...
Opening Excel files
Usually, rectangular data matrices of variables by samples, or samples by variables, will initial...
Edit>Properties produces the Sample Data Properties dialog box, seen earlier, where information a...
(Ekofisk oil-field fauna)
The abundance file Ekofisk macrofauna counts.pri is displayed within the PRIMER desktop. It shows...
Opening PRIMER files
File>Open>(File name: Ekofisk macrofauna counts.pri)>Open will read in the existing Ekofisk speci...
Saving, closing & opening a workspace
Typically, a single workspace would encompass one or more inter-connected data sets which are ana...
CLUSTER analyses
The Basic MVA wizards then run a cluster analysis, again on the respective resemblance matrices. ...
Undo in the workspace
Another new feature to PRIMER 7 is the option Undo Workspace which back-tracks for the work¬space...
3.5 What about $R^2$ values?
Another clear difference between the output given by adonis2 by comparison with the output given ...
Saving data, renaming & deleting
The data sheet can now be saved (as can any item created in the workspace) from the File menu. F...
Cut, copying & pasting
The Edit>Cut and Edit>Copy operations send part of a worksheet (or its factors/indicators) to the...
Moving & sorting rows/cols
Movement of rows or columns uses both highlighting and the cursor position. Rows (or columns) to ...
Undo data sheet edits
Occasionally, cell values are accidentally deleted or rows/columns added in unintended places but...
Deleting & inserting rows/cols
addition to attaching labels, the Edit menu allows a range of other edit functions on the data en...
3.3 How does PERMANOVA do it?
Following the PERMANOVA table of results, a suite of key additional details regarding the analysi...