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Labelling samples & variables
At this point only the default row (variables V1, V2, …) and column labels (samples S1, S2, …) ha...
Entering data directly
Most users will already have their data stored in rectangular form in some other software, e.g. a...
Compatibility of files
PRIMER 7 is fully forward-compatible from v6, and can input PRIMER 6, 5 and 4 data (*.pri and *.p...
Getting the examples
The installation and subsequent run of Help>Get Examples V7 will have placed a number of sub-dire...
1.4 Sums of squares from a distance matrix
We can now consider the structure of a distance/dissimilarity matrix and how sums of squares for ...
Anderson, M.J. (2024) Should I use PRIMER or R? PRIMER-e Learning Hub. PRIMER-e, Auckland, New Z...
Example data
Help>Get Examples V7 will take you to the data sets used throughout this manual [and Help>Get Exa...
Install and Uninstall
You will need to run Help>Install Licence at the point at which you have purchased an installatio...
The Help>About PRIMER menu item will tell you: which maintenance version number you are currently...
Species analyses
The final step in the Basic MVA wizard is to break down the dissimilarities (or distances) betwee...
Help system & manuals
The Help main menu has the entries shown, starting with View Help, the HTML Help system: This li...
Primer 7 trial software
A trial version of PRIMER 7 is freely available, which is downloadable from the PRIMER-e web site...
8. References
Anderson (2001a) Anderson, M.J. (2001a) A new method for non-parametric multivaria...
Once the design file is created, we are ready to go ahead with the PERMANOVA analysis. Click on ...
Step 5: Ordination of centroids
Having seen the results of a PERMANOVA analysis, it is natural to wish to see a visualisation of ...
Steps in a PERMANOVA analysis
The two essential steps required to run a PERMANOVA analysis in PRIMER are always: first, speci...
Step 3: Specify the design
PERMANOVA requires a design file to run. You can see the Factors associated with the holdfast dat...
Step 1: Data selection
Open up the example data file Launch PRIMER, then click File > Open... from the main menu, naviga...
Step 2: Jaccard resemblance
Calculate the Jaccard resemblance From the 'Molluscs' data sheet, click Analyse > Resemblance.......
Environmental data
For environmental-type data, such as the Fal environment sheet, it is often appropriate to transf...