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Resemblance calculation
Resemblance calculation The next stage in both the Fal nematode and environment runs of the Basic...
Matrix display wizard
On active sheet Fal nematode abundance, run Wizards>Matrix display, not taking all the defaults i...
Pre-treatment of data
Pre-treatment of the data (sometimes in more than one way) is usually desirable. For assemblage d...
Basic MVA wizard
Basic MVA wizard To cater for users completely unfamiliar with the basic outputs from a multivari...
Reading data in from Excel
Reading data in from Excel As an example of reading in data from Excel, first open and examine th...
Opening the examples
Opening the examples After launching the PRIMER desktop by clicking on its icon, the first step i...
Changes from PRIMER 6 to PRIMER 7
Wizards and major new analysis options Dialog boxes generally are more ‘wizard’-based, unifying a...
In examples in this manual you may see the main menu item PERMANOVA+. This is an add-on product t...
Getting in touch with us
For any up-to-date news about PRIMER, including details of upcoming PRIMER workshops, see our web...
System requirements
PC with Intel compatible processor. Any modern Windows operating system (XP or later). Sufficien...
Installing PRIMER
You need to be logged on as an administrator. You can keep version 6 or earlier versions installe...
Here we provide instructions for the download and installation of PRIMER 7 (with PERMANOVA+). Ple...
0.1 Title page
0.3 Citing this book
Please use the following to cite this book or any of its content: Clarke KR, Gorley RN, Somerfiel...
6.13 Example: Phuket coral-reef time series
These data are discussed more fully in Chapters 15 and 16; sampling of coral assemblages took pla...
6.5 ANOSIM for two-way layouts
Three types of field and laboratory designs are considered here: a) the 2-way nested case can ari...
6.4 Example: Indonesian reef-corals
examined data from 10 replicate transects across a single coral-reef site in S. Tikus Island, Th...
5.11 Recommendations
Non-metric MDS can be recommended as the best general ordination technique available (e.g. ). Im...
5.10 Example: Messolongi lagoon diatoms
sampled 17 lagoons in E Central Greece for diatom communities (193 species), and also recorded a...
5.6 Example: Amoco-Cadiz oil spill, Morlaix
Benthic macrofaunal abundances of 251 species were sampled by at 21 times between April 1977 and ...