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3-way crossed /nested design (Tees Bay macrofauna)
The two other possible 3-way designs can be written C(A$\times$B) and B$\times$C(A). The first is...
3-way fully nested design (NZ holdfast fauna)
The 3-way fully nested design has factor C at the lowest level, nested in B at the mid level, whi...
3-way crossed ANOSIM (King Wrasse diets)
A dietary study of W Australian fish concerns composition by the volume of taxa (21 broad dietary...
ANOSIM for 2-way crossed design with no replication (Exe study)
The 2-way crossed ANOSIM for an unordered factor, and with each combination of the two factors on...
2-way crossed ordered test
The test for an ordered factor (A) in the 2-way crossed design parallels the construction seen ea...
1-way ordered without replication
In the unordered 1-way design, replication is essential for any sort of test (otherwise how can y...
2-way crossed ANOSIM (Danish sediment data; Phuket coral reefs)
For an example of a 2-way crossed ANOSIM test in a very different context, save and close the abo...
2-way crossed ANOSIM (Tasmanian crabs study)
An example of a 2-way crossed layout was introduced in Section 1, for meiofaunal communities in s...
1-way ordered ANOSIM (Ekofisk oil-field study)
However, for the Ekofisk oil-field study of the last section there is a postulated cause for bent...
1-way layout (Biomarkers example)
ANOSIM applies equally well to data on environmental, biomarker or morphometric variables, which ...
1-way layout (WA fish diet example)
Return to the W Australian fish diet data, introduced at the start of Section 4 and last seen und...
ANOSIM introduction
The series of ANOSIM (analysis of similarity) tests, accessed through Analyse>ANOSIM, operate on ...
Combined nMDS; (Messolongi diatoms & abiotic data)
A variation of the above, and a final new PRIMER 7 feature to discuss in this section, is the opt...
‘Fix collapse’ in nMDS; (Ko Phuket transects of coral reefs)
The PRIMER 7 nMDS dialog box includes a new option to (✓Fix Collapse). This addresses the problem...
Metric MDS for ordinating few points
Though usually greatly inferior to nMDS for typical ordinations from community similarities (e.g....
Threshold metric MDS (tmMDS)
The mMDS Shepard diagram above strongly suggests a middle course between simple metric and non-me...
(Morlaix macrofauna, Amoco-Cadiz oil spill)
Close the World cities worksheet (it will not be needed again) and re-open workspace Morlaix ws, ...
Animating the mMDS/nMDS iterations
Another feature introduced in PRIMER 7 is more of a teaching tool than an analysis method per se,...
Identifying points on the Shepard plot
Show this by running the matching nMDS to the above mMDS, this time setting (Minimum stress: 0.00...
Metric MDS; (Great-circle distances for world cities)
A significant new feature in PRIMER 7 is the construction of metric MDS ordinations (mMDS), toget...