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7.1 Species clustering
Chapter 2 (page 2.4) describes how the original data matrix can be used to define similarities be...
8.1 Univariate measures
A variety of different statistics (single numbers) can be used as measures of some attribute of c...
Compute time & limits on path numbers
A new option in PRIMER 7 recognises that computation time can become an issue for particular rela...
TAXDTEST (European groundfish)
Further theoretical details and discussion can be found in Chapter 17 of CiMC, which also present...
Box plots & means plots for diversity indices
The sheet Data1 of this suite of diversity indices for each of the 277 samples, split into 9 sea ...
Testing taxonomic distinctness against a master list
Wide-ranging biogeographic studies, and particularly historic data, are often restricted to simpl...
Setting the initial directory
It may sometimes be convenient to set the initial (default) directory to which PRIMER 7 opens eve...
Weighting of tree step lengths
The other box in this Taxonomy (data) dialog can be used to alter the weights given to the variou...
Distances in aggregation worksheets
Such tree structures (e.g. taxonomies) are one of a distinct worksheet type, Variable Information...
Species distance information
For the first set of measures (on the Taxdisc tab), the Taxonomy button gives a choice of whether...
Range of relatedness indices calculated
In order to obtain a diversity measure which steps outside the species abundance distribution, an...
(Bermuda macrofauna ); Caswell’s neutral model
Soft-sediment macrofaunal assemblages (along with meiofauna and biomarker suites) were studied at...
Multivariate analysis of diversities
For the diversity (variables) by samples matrix, Data1, Plots>Draftsman Plot>(✓Correlations to wo...
Standard indices calculated
The range of indices available is illustrated with the macrobenthic data Clyde macrofauna counts ...
1.7 Multivariate techniques
Table 1.5 summarises some multivariate methods for the four stages, starting with three descripti...
7.10 Bubble plots (plus examples)
Bubble plots Abundance (or density, biomass, area cover etc) for a particular species can be show...
7.8 Species contributions to sample (dis)similarities – SIMPER
Dissimilarity breakdown between groups The fundamental information on the multivariate structure ...
7.6 Example: Garroch Head macrofauna
An example where the biotic sample axis could have sensibly been ordered according to an a prior...
7.5 Example: Bristol Channel zooplankton
This example, last seen in Chapter 3, consists of 24 (seasonally-averaged) zooplankton net sample...
7.3 Example: Amoco-Cadiz oil spill
A second example of deriving sets of coherent species curves, this time temporal rather than spat...