Symbol & text sizes
Label font sizes, typeface, colours etc. can be changed with the (Labels:Data font) button, and sizes of symbols increased or decreased from the default value of 100 by changing (Size: 100), again in the Symbol area of the Sample Labels & Symbols tab – one of the most often used dialog boxes. Note that all such size parameters in PRIMER 7, whether for symbols or text (data labels, main or sub-titles, axes titles and scales etc.), are given relative to a default value (usually 100), rather than expressed in terms of a typeface point size, for example. This allows plots to be perfectly scaleable as their windows are resized or printed/saved, without the need for continual redefinition of sizes.
In datasheet Exe nematode abundance, two of the environmental variables from Exe environmental have also been coded as binary factors: interstitial salinity (Sal) as Lo (<25%) or Hi (>71% of full seawater); and depth of the blackened anoxic layer (H2S) as Shall (<7.5cm) or Deep ($\ge$20cm) – look at these with Edit>Factors. As seen in Section 2, there is often a choice of whether environmental variables associated with each assemblage sample are held as a separate data matrix, or as factors within the biological sheet. Here, it is useful to hold some of the data in both forms. With the dendrogram plot (Graph1) as the active window, take Graph>Sample Labels & Symbols> (Labels:✓Plot>✓By factor>H2S) & (Symbols:✓Plot>✓By factor> Sal).