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Sample labels & symbols menu/tab

When the active window is a plot, levels of a factor can be displayed in place of sample labels and/or represented by differing symbols, with an accompanying symbol key, using the Graph> Sample Labels & Symbols menu. (Alternatively, the same choices result from right-clicking when the cursor is over the plot). If the relevant (✓By factor) check box is ticked, a list of previously-defined factors can be selected from, independently for labels and symbols, so that checking all of (Labels: ✓Plot > ✓By factor) & (Symbols: ✓Plot > ✓By factor) would give a 2-factor annotation of samples on the plot. Note that if the (Labels>By factor) box is not checked, but (Labels:✓Plot) is, then the displayed labels are the sample labels from the resemblance matrix; if the (Symbols>By factor) box is not checked, but (Symbols:✓Plot) is, then a uniform symbol is displayed – this is not relevant for dendrograms but can be useful for other plots. For example, the default symbol for the above scatter plot has been changed (from a blue square to a red cross) in this way, by clicking on the Symbol: and Colour: icons in the Symbols>Default box of the Samples Labels & Symbols tab of the Graph dialog. The differing shapes, colours etc. for the different levels of the chosen factor for symbols can be redefined by the (Symbols:Key) button, taking you directly to the Key dialog described in Section 2 under the Factor keys heading. A less direct route is via (Symbols:Edit) which takes you back to the Factors dialog (see start of Section 2) which has the same Key button. It is also the way of adding new factors from a plot, which are then back-propagated to prior sheets.