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17.2 Average taxonomic diversity and distinctness

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 17: Biodiversity and dissimilar...

Two measures, which address some of the problems identified with species richness and the other d...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

17.1 Species richness disadvantages

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 17: Biodiversity and dissimilar...

Chapter 8 discussed a range of diversity indices based on species richness and the species abunda...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

16.8 Example: Algal recolonisation, Calafuria

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 16: Further multivariate compar...

An example of this type (though not a classic BACI situation) is given by , for a study by . Sub-...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

16.7 Second-stage interaction plots

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 16: Further multivariate compar...

Phuket coral-reef times series A rather different application of second-stage MDS¶ is motivated b...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

16.6 Comparison of resemblance measures

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 16: Further multivariate compar...

S Tikus Island coral cover The use of second-stage MDS plots can be extended to also include the ...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

16.5 Second-stage MDS

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 16: Further multivariate compar...

It is not normally a viable sampling strategy, for soft-sediment benthos at least, to use BVStep ...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

16.4 Further extensions

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 16: Further multivariate compar...

Both BEST Bio-Env and BVStep routines can be generalised to accommodate possibilities other than ...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

16.3 Example: Amoco-Cadiz oil spill

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 16: Further multivariate compar...

Applying this (BVStep) procedure to the 125-species set from the Bay of Morlaix, a smallest subse...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

16.2 Matching of ordinations

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 16: Further multivariate compar...

The BEST (Bio-Env) technique of Chapter 11 can be generalised in a natural way, to the selection ...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

16.1 Introduction

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 16: Further multivariate compar...

To motivate the first method of this chapter look again at the analysis of macrobenthic samples f...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

15.6 Examples

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 15: Multivariate measures of co...

Example: Tees Bay macrofauna Fig. 15.7 shows the nMDS plot for the inter-annual macrofauna sample...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

15.5 Model matrices & ‘RELATE’ tests

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 15: Multivariate measures of co...

The form of the seriation statistic is simply a matrix correlation coefficient (e.g. equation 11....

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

15.4 Breakdown of seriation

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 15: Multivariate measures of co...

Clear-cut zonation patterns in the form of a serial change in community structure with increasing...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

15.3 Increased variability

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 15: Multivariate measures of co...

noted that, in a variety of environmental impact studies, the variability among samples collecte...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

15.2 Meta-analysis of marine macrobenthos

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 15: Multivariate measures of co...

This method was initially devised as a means of comparing the severity of community stress betwee...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

15.1 Introduction

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 15: Multivariate measures of co...

We have seen in Chapter 14 that multivariate methods of analysis are very sensitive for detecting...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

14.4 General conclusions and recommendations

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 14: Relative sensitivities and ...

General conclusions Three general conclusions emerge from these examples: The similarity in com...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

14.3 Examples 4, 5, 6 and 7

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 14: Relative sensitivities and ...

Example 4: Fish communities from coral reefs in the Maldives In the Maldive islands, compared ree...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

14.2 Examples 1, 2 and 3

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 14: Relative sensitivities and ...

Example 1: Macrobenthos from Frierfjord/Langesundfjord, Norway As part of the GEEP/IOC Oslo Works...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

14.1 Introduction

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 14: Relative sensitivities and ...

Two communities with a completely different taxonomic composition may have identical univariate o...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden