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5.1 Other ordination methods

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 5: Ordination of samples by mul...

Principal Co-ordinates Analysis The two main weaknesses of PCA, identified at the end of Chapter ...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

4.5 Example: Dosing experiment, Solbergstrand mesocosm

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 4: Ordination of samples by pri...

An example of this final point for a real data set can be seen in Fig. 4.2. This is of nematode ...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

4.4 PCA for environmental data

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 4: Ordination of samples by pri...

The above example makes it clear that PCA is an unsatisfactory ordination method for biological d...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

4.3 Example: Garroch Head macrofauna

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 4: Ordination of samples by pri...

Fig. 4.1 shows the result of applying PCA to square-root transformed macrofaunal biomass data fro...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

4.2 Principal components analysis

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 4: Ordination of samples by pri...

The starting point for PCA is the original data matrix rather than a derived similarity matrix (t...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

4.1 Ordinations

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 4: Ordination of samples by pri...

An ordination is a map of the samples, usually in two or three dimensions, in which the placement...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

3.7 k-R clustering (non-hierarchical)

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 3: Clustering methods

Another major class of clustering techniques is non-hierarchical, referred to above as flat clust...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

3.6 Binary divisive clustering

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 3: Clustering methods

All discussion so far has been in terms of hierarchical agglomerative clustering, in which sample...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

3.5 Similarity profiles (SIMPROF)

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 3: Clustering methods

Given the form of the dendrogram in Fig. 3.3, with high similarities in apparently tightly define...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

3.4 Recommendations

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 3: Clustering methods

Hierarchical clustering with group-average linking, based on sample similarities or dissimilari...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

3.3 Example: Bristol Channel zooplankton

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 3: Clustering methods

perform hierarchical cluster analyses of zooplankton samples, collected by double oblique net ha...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

3.2 Hierarchical agglomerative clustering

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 3: Clustering methods

The most commonly used clustering techniques are the hierarchical agglomerative methods. These u...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

3.1 Cluster analysis

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 3: Clustering methods

The previous chapter has shown how to replace the original data matrix with pairwise similarities...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

2.6 More on resemblance measures

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 2: Simple measures of similarit...

On the grounds that it is better to walk before you try running, discussion of comparisons betwee...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

2.5 Dissimilarity coefficients

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 2: Simple measures of similarit...

The converse concept to similarity is that of dissimilarity, the degree to which two samples are ...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

2.3 Presence/absence data

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 2: Simple measures of similarit...

As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, quantitative uncertainty may make it desirable to ...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

2.2 Example: Loch Linnhe macrofauna

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 2: Simple measures of similarit...

A trivial example, used in this and the following chapter to illustrate simple manual computation...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

2.1 Similarity for quantitative data matrices

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 2: Simple measures of similarit...

Data matrix The available biological data is assumed to consist of an array of p rows (species) a...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

1.8 Example: Nutrient enrichment experiment, Solbergstrand

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 1: A framework for studying cha...

Table 1.7. Nutrient enrichment experiment, Solbergstrand mesocosm, Norway {N}. Meiofaunal abund...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden

1.7 Multivariate techniques

Change in Marine Communities Chapter 1: A framework for studying cha...

Table 1.5 summarises some multivariate methods for the four stages, starting with three descripti...

Updated 1 year ago by Arden