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0.3 Citing this book
Please use the following to cite this book or any of its content: Clarke KR, Gorley RN, Somerfiel...
6.18 Recommendations
For typical species abundance matrices, it is much preferable to use a non-parametric ANOSIM-ty...
6.17 Example: Tees Bay macrofauna
The final example in this chapter is of a mixed nested and crossed design B$\times$C(A), for a to...
6.16 Example: NZ kelp holdfast macrofauna
We now consider the fully nested design, C(B(A)). In north-eastern New Zealand, examined assembl...
6.15 Example: King Wrasse fish diets, WA
We begin the 3-factor examples with a fully crossed design A$\times$B$\times$C of the composition...
6.14 Three-way ANOSIM designs
Table 6.4 details all viable combinations of 3 factors, A, B, C, in crossed/nested form, ordered/...
6.13 Example: Phuket coral-reef time series
These data are discussed more fully in Chapters 15 and 16; sampling of coral assemblages took pla...
6.12 Two-way ordered ANOSIM designs
Under the non-parametric framework adopted in this manual (and in the PRIMER package) three forms...
6.11 Example: Ekofisk oil-field macrofauna
studied the soft-sediment macrobenthos at 39 sites at different distances (100m to 8km) and diff...
6.10 ANOSIM for ordered factors
Generalised ANOSIM statistic for the 1-way case Now return to the simple one-way case of page 6.2...
6.9 Example: Exe nematodes (no replication and missing data)
A final example demonstrates a positive outcome to such a test, in a common case of a 2-way layou...
6.8 Example: Mesocosm experiment (two-way crossed case with no replication)
Although the above test may still function if a few random cells in the 2-way layout have only a ...
6.7 Example: Eaglehawk Neck meiofauna (two-way crossed case)
An example of a two-way crossed design is given in and is introduced more fully here in Chapter ...
6.6 Example: Clyde nematodes (2-way nested case)
analysed meiobenthic communities from three putatively polluted (P) areas of the Firth of Clyde ...
6.5 ANOSIM for two-way layouts
Three types of field and laboratory designs are considered here: a) the 2-way nested case can ari...
6.4 Example: Indonesian reef-corals
examined data from 10 replicate transects across a single coral-reef site in S. Tikus Island, Th...
6.3 Example: Frierfjord macrofauna
The rank similarities underlying Fig. 6.3 are shown in Table 6.2 (note that these are the similar...
6.1 Univariate tests and multivariate tests
Many community data sets possess some a priori defined structure within the set of samples, for e...
5.11 Recommendations
Non-metric MDS can be recommended as the best general ordination technique available (e.g. ). Im...
5.10 Example: Messolongi lagoon diatoms
sampled 17 lagoons in E Central Greece for diatom communities (193 species), and also recorded a...