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Summary of the pathway

A summary of the essential routines in PRIMER that were used to produce the 5-step analysis pathway described above for the nematode (biotic) data from the Fal estuary is given in the table below:

To implement in PRIMER:
1. Fourth-root transformation From the original data sheet: click Pre-treatment > Transform(overall) > (Transformation: Fourth root), click OK.
2. Bray-Curtis resemblance From the transformed data sheet: click Analyse > Resemblance > (Measure $\bullet$Bray-Curtis similarity) & (Analyse between $\bullet$Samples), click OK.
3. Hierarchical group-average cluster analysis From the resemblance matrix: click Analyse > Cluster > CLUSTER... > (Cluster mode $\bullet$Group average) & ($\checkmark$Plot dendrogram), click Finish.
4. Non-metric MDS ordination From the resemblance matrix: click Analyse > MDS > Non-metric MDS (nMDS)... > (see if you are happy with the default settings), click OK.
5. Analysis of similarities (ANOSIM) From the resemblance matrix: click Analyse > ANOSIM... > Design > (Model: One-Way - A) & Factors > A: Creek) & (Max permutations: 9999) & ($\checkmark$Plot histogram), click OK.