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5.5 Example: Celtic Sea zooplankton
In situations where the samples are strongly grouped, as in Figs. 5.4 and 5.5, both clustering an...
5.3 Diagnostics: Adequacy of MDS representation
Is the stress value small? By definition, stress reduces with increasing dimensionality of the ...
5.1 Other ordination methods
Principal Co-ordinates Analysis The two main weaknesses of PCA, identified at the end of Chapter ...
4.5 Example: Dosing experiment, Solbergstrand mesocosm
An example of this final point for a real data set can be seen in Fig. 4.2. This is of nematode ...
4.3 Example: Garroch Head macrofauna
Fig. 4.1 shows the result of applying PCA to square-root transformed macrofaunal biomass data fro...
3.7 k-R clustering (non-hierarchical)
Another major class of clustering techniques is non-hierarchical, referred to above as flat clust...
3.4 Recommendations
Hierarchical clustering with group-average linking, based on sample similarities or dissimilari...
3.2 Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
The most commonly used clustering techniques are the hierarchical agglomerative methods. These u...
3.1 Cluster analysis
The previous chapter has shown how to replace the original data matrix with pairwise similarities...
2.6 More on resemblance measures
On the grounds that it is better to walk before you try running, discussion of comparisons betwee...
2.3 Presence/absence data
As discussed at the beginning of this chapter, quantitative uncertainty may make it desirable to ...
1.8 Example: Nutrient enrichment experiment, Solbergstrand
Table 1.7. Nutrient enrichment experiment, Solbergstrand mesocosm, Norway {N}. Meiofaunal abund...
1.5 Example: Loch Linnhe macrofauna
Table 1.4. Loch Linnhe macrofauna {L}. Abundance/biomass matrix (part only); one (pooled) set o...
1.4 Distributional techniques
Table 1.3. Distributional techniques. Summary of analyses for the four stages. A less condense...
18.5 Example: Fal estuary macrofauna
The soft-sediment macrobenthic communities from five creeks of the Fal estuary, SW England, {f} w...
18.1 Means plots
Several examples have been seen in previous chapters of the advantages of viewing ordination plot...
17.8 Variation in taxonomic distinctness, $\Lambda ^ +$
VarTD was defined in equation (17.7), as the variance of the taxonomic distances {$\omega _ {ij}$...
17.3 Examples: Ekofisk oil-field and Tees Bay soft-sediment macrobenthos
The earlier Fig. 14.4 demonstrated a change in the sediment macrofaunal communities around the Ek...
17.1 Species richness disadvantages
Chapter 8 discussed a range of diversity indices based on species richness and the species abunda...
16.8 Example: Algal recolonisation, Calafuria
An example of this type (though not a classic BACI situation) is given by , for a study by . Sub-...