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16.3 Example: Amoco-Cadiz oil spill
Applying this (BVStep) procedure to the 125-species set from the Bay of Morlaix, a smallest subse...
16.1 Introduction
To motivate the first method of this chapter look again at the analysis of macrobenthic samples f...
15.5 Model matrices & ‘RELATE’ tests
The form of the seriation statistic is simply a matrix correlation coefficient (e.g. equation 11....
15.1 Introduction
We have seen in Chapter 14 that multivariate methods of analysis are very sensitive for detecting...
14.4 General conclusions and recommendations
General conclusions Three general conclusions emerge from these examples: The similarity in com...
14.2 Examples 1, 2 and 3
Example 1: Macrobenthos from Frierfjord/Langesundfjord, Norway As part of the GEEP/IOC Oslo Works...
14.1 Introduction
Two communities with a completely different taxonomic composition may have identical univariate o...
13.5 Attributes and recommendations
Attributes Species abundance data are by far the most commonly used in environmental impact studi...
13.4 Hard-bottom epifauna and hard-bottom motile fauna
Hard-bottom epifauna The advantages of using hard-bottom encrusting faunas, reef-corals etc. are:...
13.3 Macrobenthos and meiobenthos
Macrobenthos The advantages of soft-bottom macrobenthos are that: a) They are relatively non-mobi...
13.2 Plankton and fish
Plankton The advantages of plankton are that: a) Long tows over relatively large distances result...
13.1 Components
The biological effects of pollutants can be studied on assemblages of a wide variety of marine or...
12.4 Laboratory experiments
More or less natural communities of some components of the biota can be maintained in laboratory ...
10.2 Examples
Multivariate examples Nutrient-enrichment experiment In the soft-bottom mesocosms at Solbergstr...
9.4 Recommendations
The transformation sequence in a multivariate analysis, corresponding to a progressive downweight...
9.3 Multivariate case
There being no necessity to transform to attain distributional properties, transformations play a...
9.1 Introduction
There are two distinct roles for transformations in community analyses: a) to validate statistica...
7.9 Example: Tasmanian meiofauna
Another clear generalisation is to a 2-way rather than 1-way layout, illustrated by the 16 meiofa...
7.7 Example: Ekofisk oil-field macrofauna
The 39 sites sampled for benthic infauna at different distances from an oil-field in the N Sea we...
7.4 Shade plots
An alternative to line plots, and a technique that can often be even more useful, in terms of the...