5. Example analysis pathway (CLUSTER, MDS, ANOSIM)
An analysis of biotic data
Rationale Multivariate data are very complex and can be difficult to analyse and interpret. Each ...
Step 1: Transformation
Perform the transformation There are a range of possible transformations one might use in a pre-t...
Step 2: Resemblance
For a description of the Bray-Curtis resemblane measure and the rationale for its use with biotic...
Step 3: Cluster
Now that we have a resemblance matrix, we can proceed with a cluster analysis of the data. The pu...
Step 4: Ordination
The cluster analysis goes some way towards helping us to understand potential patterns of similar...
Step 5: ANOSIM test
The ordination plot gives us a visualisation of the rank-order relationships among the samples, b...
Summary of the pathway
A summary of the essential routines in PRIMER that were used to produce the 5-step analysis pathw...