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Printing results and graphs
Direct printing from PRIMER is also possible for analysis endpoints such as results windows, all ...
Adding notes
It is not permitted to edit directly the information in a results window. This tells you what ope...
Saving graph values; Saving results
Certain graphs, such as MDS ordinations (Section 8) or Cluster dendrograms, can be validly rotate...
Vector vs. pixel plots
Closing the second PRIMER desktop and returning to the original Bristol Channel ws workspace, not...
Opening the PRIMER 7 desktop
Start the program by (double)-clicking on the desktop or task bar PRIMER 7 icon , giving the win...
Explorer tree
It will have been obvious from performing the worked examples of the previous sections that the s...
Renaming or deleting items in a workspace; Undo in the Explorer tree to reinstate or re-order
Met briefly in Section 1 and again above, renaming or deleting windows in the Explorer tree is an...
Rolling up branches of the tree
In the display of the Explorer tree at the beginning of this section, the SIMPROF1 window was...
Understanding the Explorer tree
Understanding the Explorer tree, however, is the key to managing your work pattern in PRIMER. In ...
Closing, redisplaying & tiling windows; Minimising windows; View menu
From the Explorer tree for the above illustration, you can see that workspace has been saved as B...
Forward and backward propagation
The Explorer tree not only makes it easy to navigate the sequence of steps taken in an analysis b...
Primer file types
Whether the extensions *.pri, *.xls(x) etc display, or not, is a function of your Windows set-up;...
Flat-form clustering
Another new introduction in PRIMER 7 is a form of non-hierarchical (flat) clustering, the analogu...
Special menu for divisive trees
PRIMER 7 also provides a choice of representations of the tree structure, using either the A% or ...
Text pane in tree plots; A% and B% y-axis scales
Note how each node is now lettered so that information about the R value for that split can be di...
UNCTREE options
Using the Bristol Channel zooplankton workspace which should still be open, and with active sheet...
Binary divisive clustering
Two new clustering methods are introduced towards the end of Chapter 3 in CiMC, the first still a...
Limiting font size
Note that the plots above required a certain amount of juxtaposition of different font sizes for ...
Single and complete linkage
Now re-run Analyse>Cluster>CLUSTER>(Cluster mode•Single linkage), creating the SIMPROF factor Sin...
Linkage by flexible beta method
There are four possible Cluster mode choices within the Analyse>Cluster>CLUSTER dialog box, disti...