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Accessing other resemblance measures
PRIMER 7 allows the user choice of 44 other resemblances, firstly divided into two (mutually excl...
Index of Association
The remaining of the three choices in the initial list, Measure•Index of Association, is essentia...
Bray-Curtis similarity
The most commonly-used similarity coefficient for biological community analysis, because it obeys...
Euclidean distances
Euclidean distance, an appropriate measure for environmental (and other) data types, is defined a...
(Tikus Island coral cover)
Data on coral communities at a site in Tikus Island, Thousand Islands, Indonesia, over the years ...
Zero-adjusted Bray-Curtis
A simple modification to the Bray-Curtis coefficient adjusts its behaviour as samples become vani...
2.4 Species similarities
Starting with the original data matrix of abundances (or biomass, area cover etc), the similarity...
Standard resemblance choices
A detailed discussion of the competing properties of different resemblance matrices is outside th...
Resemblance matrices
Fundamental to the operation of PRIMER and (explicitly or implicitly) any fully multivariate anal...
1.1 PRIMER has a lot going for it
PRIMER has a special focus - robust multivariate methods PRIMER is a specialised piece of softwar...
Surface plots
The smoothing effect can best be seen by Plots>Surface Plot of both Data1 and Data2 sheets – a fu...
(Particle sizes for Danish sediments)
Sediment particle size data from 6 size ranges at 3 sites (A, B, C), at 2 depths (2m and 5m), and...
Cumulating samples
The remaining option on the Pre-treatment menu is Cumulate samples, which successively adds up th...
(Biomarkers for N Sea flounder)
The directory C:\Examples v7\N Sea biomarkers holds a data sheet N Sea flounder biomarkers(.pri) ...
Variability weighting
Pre-treatment>Variability Weighting is a new option in PRIMER 7, which bears similarities to the ...
Mixed data types
Another example might be in attempting to reconcile two different types of data in the same matri...
Other variable weighting
There are other cases in which variables (species) might need prior weighting, e.g. when a specie...
(Fal estuary copepods)
Sediment copepod assemblages (and other fauna) from five creeks of the Fal estuary, SW England, w...
Dispersion weighting of species
When variables are on different measurement scales, there is little viable alternative to normali...
Normalising variables
It is typical of a suite of physico-chemical variables (or biomarkers, water-quality indices etc)...