Appendix 1: Index of example data
The following is a list of all (real) data sets used as examples in the text, where they are referenced by their indexing letter (A–Z, a-z). The entries give all pages on which each set is analysed or discussed and also its source reference (see also Appendix 3). These are not always the appropriate references for the analyses which can be found in the text; the latter are generally given in Appendix 2.
A – Amoco-Cadiz oil spill, Bay of Morlaix, France. Macrofauna - Dauvin (1984) .
- pages 5.6, 5.8, 7.3, 10.2, 13.3, 15.2, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3, 16.5, 17.1, 17.2
a – Algal recolonisation, Calafuria, Ligurian Sea, Italy. Macroalgae. - Airoldi (2000) .
- page 16.8
B – Bristol Channel, England. Zooplankton - Collins & Williams (1982) .
- pages 3.3, 3.5, 3.6, 7.5, 7.8, 7.10, 11.3
b – Beam-trawl surveys, N. Europe. Groundfish - Rogers, Clarke & Reynolds (1999) .
- page 17.7
C – Celtic Sea. Zooplankton. (Collins, pers. comm.).
- page 5.5
c – Creran & Etive loch, Scotland. Macrobenthos - Gage & Coghill (1977) , Gage (1972) .
- pages 15.6, 18.4
D – Dosing experiment, Solbergstrand mesocosm, Norway (GEEP Workshop). Nematodes - Warwick, Carr, Clarke et al. (1988) .
- pages 4.5, 5.4, 9.3
d – Diets of W Australian fish. Gut contents of seven nearshore species - Hourston, Platell, Valesini et al. (2004) .
- page 7.10
E – Ekofisk oil platform, N.Sea. Macrofauna - Gray, Clarke, Warwick et al. (1990) .
- pages 6.11, 7.7, 7.10, 8.3, 8.5, 10.2, 14.2, 15.3, 17.3
e – Estuaries, W Australia. Fish - Valesini, Tweedley, Clarke et al. (2014) .
- page 11.5
F – Frierfjord, Norway (GEEP Workshop). Macrofauna - Gray, Aschan, Carr et al. (1994) .
- pages 1.3, 1.7, 3.1, 3.2, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 8.4, 9.2, 10.1, 13.5, 14.2, 15.2
f – Fal estuary sediments, S.W. England. Meio- and macrofauna - Somerfield, Gee & Warwick (1994a) , Somerfield, Gee & Warwick (1994b) .
- pages 9.6, 11.6, 18.5
G – Garroch Head, sludge dump-ground, Scotland. Macrofauna - Pearson & Blackstock (1984) .
- pages 1.6, 1.7, 4.4, 7.3, 7.6, 8.3, 8.4, 8.7, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.7, 15.2, 16.6
g – Gullfaks A&B oilfields, Norway. Macrobenthos - Olsgard & Gray (1995) .
- page 15.6
H – Hamilton Harbour, Bermuda (GEEP Workshop). Macrofauna, nematodes - Warwick, Platt, Clarke et al. (1990) .
- pages 8.1, 8.4, 13.3
I – Indonesian reef corals, S. Pari and S. Tikus Islands. Coral % cover - Warwick, Clarke & Suharsono (1990) .
- pages 6.4, 8.1, 10.1, 10.2, 13.4, 14.2, 15.3, 16.6, 18.2, 18.3
i – Island group species lists. Fish presence/absence - Clarke, Somerfield & Chapman (2006) .
- page 17.12
J – Joint NE Atlantic shelf studies (‘meta-analysis’). Macrofauna ‘production’ - Warwick & Clarke (1993a) .
- page 15.2
K – Ko Phuket coral reefs, Thailand. Coral species cover - , Brown, Clarke & Warwick (2002) .
- pages 6.13, 15.4, 16.6, 16.7
k – King Wrasse diets, W Australia. Gut contents of labrid fish - Lek, Fairclough, Platell et al. (2011) .
- page 6.15
L – Loch Linnhe and Loch Eil, Scotland, pulp-mill effluent. Macrofauna - Pearson (1975) .
- pages 1.5, 1.7, 2.2, 3.2, 5.2, 8.4, 9.3, 10.1, 10.2, 15.2
l – Leschenault estuary, W Australia. Estuarine fish assemblage, over seasons - Veale, Tweedley, Clarke et al. (2014) .
- page 15.6
M – Maldive Islands mining. Coral reef fish - Dawson-Shepherd, Warwick, Clarke et al. (1992) .
- pages 13.2,14.3, 15.3
m – Messolongi lagoons, E. Central Greece. Diatoms and water-column data - Danielidis (1991) .
- page 5.10
N – Nutrient-enrichment experiment, Solbergstrand mesocosm, Norway. Nematodes, copepods - Gee, Warwick, Schaanning et al. (1985) .
- pages 1.8, 10.1, 10.2, 12.4, 15.3
n – NE New Zealand kelp holdfasts. Macrofauna - Anderson, Diebel, Blom et al. (2005) .
- page 6.16
O – Okura estuary, Long Bay, New Zealand. Inter-tidal macrofauna - Anderson, Ford, Feary et al. (2004) .
- page 5.9
P – Plymouth particle-size data. Water samples with Coulter Counter. (A. Bale, pers. comm).
- page 8.6
p – Plankton survey (Continuous Plankton Recorder), N.E. Atlantic. Zooplankton, phytoplankton - Colebrook (1986) .
- page 13.2
R – Tamar estuary mud-flat, S.W. England. Nematodes, copepods - Austen & Warwick (1989) .
- page 14.3
S – Scilly Isles, UK. Seaweed metazoa - Gee & Warwick (1994a) , Gee & Warwick (1994b) .
- pages 13.4, 14.3
T – Tasmania, Eaglehawk Neck. Nematodes, copepods - Warwick, Clarke & Gee (1990) .
- pages 6.7, 7.9, 12.2, 13.3, 14.3
t - Tees Bay, N.E. England. Macrobenthos - Warwick, Ashman, Brown et al. (2002) .
- pages 6.17, 15.3, 15.6, 17.3
U – UK regional studies. Nematodes - Warwick & Clarke (1998) .
- pages 17.6, 17.8, 17.9
V – Valhall oilfield, N Sea. Macrofauna - Olsgard, Somerfield & Carr (1997) .
- page 17.12
W – World map. Great-circle distances among cities. (Reader’s Digest Great World Atlas, 1962)
- page 5.8
w – Westerschelde estuary cores, Netherlands; mesocosm experiment on food supply. Nematodes - Austen & Warwick (1995) .
- page 6.8
X – Exe estuary, S.W. England. Nematodes - Warwick (1971) .
- pages 5.2, 5.3, 6.9, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 11.3, 11.4, 15.6
Y – Clyde, Scotland. Nematodes - Lambshead (1986) .
- page 6.6
Z – Azoic sediment recolonization experiment. Copepods - Olafsson & Moore (1992) .
- pages 12.3