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Histograms of null distributions
As in all permutation tests in PRIMER v7 (e.g. in ANOSIM, RELATE, BEST etc), a further output fro...
(Exe estuary nematodes)
Assemblage data on 140 species of free-living marine nematodes at 19 sites (labelled 1-19) in the...
SIMPROF on a subset of samples
From the Bristol Channel zooplankton transformed data matrix Data1, select (say) the samples of t...
SIMPROF Types (1-4)
The first dialog box from running Analyse>SIMPROF, however, is of a new option to PRIMER 7, a cho...
SIMPROF direct run
SIMPROF can be run directly using Analyse>SIMPROF, rather than as part of another analysis such a...
CLUSTER results window
In addition to the dendrogram plot itself, Analyse>CLUSTER (like all analysis routines) produces ...
(Bristol Channel zooplankton)
Densities from 24 species of zooplankton at 57 sites in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary, c...
SIMPROF method
The similarity profile test (SIMPROF), Clarke KR, Somerfield PJ, Gorley RN 2008, J Exp Mar Biol E...
Zooming dendrograms
Zooming is invoked by Graph>Zoom In or Zoom Out from the main menu, or by clicking on the Zoom in...
Ordering factor levels in keys; Point & click short-cuts
PRIMER 7 now automatically displays the levels of a numeric factor in increasing order in a plot ...
Timing bar, Stop Tasks & multi-tasking
As discussed at the start of this section, if you have set SIMPROF running, with the (✓SIMPROF te...
Rotating & condensing dendrograms
The order of samples on the (by default) x axis of a dendrogram is to a large extent arbitrary, s...
Special menu for slicing & orientation of dendrograms
Unlike Graph>Samples Labels & Symbols or Graph>General, which take you to the Graph Options dialo...
General menu/tab & Keys tab
Finally, on the General tab (also reached directly from Graph>General), thicken up all lines with...
Editing plot titles & scales
Still in the Graph Options dialog box, take the Titles tab and edit the main and sub-title conten...
Symbol & text sizes
Label font sizes, typeface, colours etc can be changed with the (Labels:Data font) button, and si...
Sample labels & symbols menu/tab
When the active window is a plot, levels of a factor can be displayed in place of sample labels a...
Copying & pasting plots externally
Returning to the main point of the previous example, the production of the dendrogram, note that ...
Cophenetic correlation
The dendrogram is displayed in a plot window, and a separate Results window gives a detailed list...
Modifying plots in PRIMER
Though PRIMER 7 does not attempt to replicate all the facilities available in graphics presentati...