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Step 2: Resemblance
For a description of the Bray-Curtis resemblane measure and the rationale for its use with biotic...
18.4 Example: Loch Creran macrobenthos
collected a set of 256 soft-sediment macrobenthic samples along a transect in Loch Creran, Scotl...
17.11 Taxonomic dissimilarity
A natural extension of the ideas of this chapter is from $\alpha$- or ‘spot’ diversity indices to...
Step 1: Data selection
Open up the example data file Launch PRIMER, then click File > Open... from the main menu, naviga...
Step 4: Ordination
The cluster analysis goes some way towards helping us to understand potential patterns of similar...
An analysis of biotic data
Rationale Multivariate data are very complex and can be difficult to analyse and interpret. Each ...
Importing data from Excel
Step 1. Ensure your data are in a format suitable for import into PRIMER Suppose we have a datase...
We thank our many collaborators, correspondents and workshop participants from around the world, ...
Index to data sets
Sections in which the specified data sets are analysed; bold indicates location of an introductio...
11.4 Linking biota to multivariate environmental patterns
The intuitive premise adopted here is that if the suite of environmental variables responsible fo...
Bootstrap regions for Fal estuary macrofauna
A final example of bootstrap regions which do strongly overlap, and for which the hypothesis test...
Bootstrap regions for Tikus coral reef study
The above study was not an example given in Chapter 18 of CiMC and was therefore discussed in det...
(W Australia fish diets)
The diet study for 7 species of W Australian fish, with a variable number of dietary samples from...
Bootstrap averages in a reduced $m$MDS space
Though hopefully the above gives the motivation and an idea of the way the region estimates are c...
Metric or non-metric plots?
The Analyse>Bootstrap Averages routine allows both metric and non-metric options for the MDS ordi...
Bootstrap regions
These averages can then be used to generate a bootstrap region for each of the g groups – at its ...
Analogue of univariate means plots
For this final section, we consider only cases in which the samples form a 1-way layout, i.e. the...
S estimators
PRIMER therefore includes a number of S extrapolators – attempts to predict the true total number...
(Sea-loch contiguous macrofauna cores); Species accumulation plots
The final set of data in this section is of a benthic study by Gage JD & Coghill GG 1977, in Coul...
(Tikus Is coral cover)
The Tikus Island, Indonesia, data on % area cover of coral communities on 10 transects in the yea...