We thank our many collaborators, correspondents and workshop participants from around the world, far too numerous to list, for their continued enthusiasm for the PRIMER software and suggestions for improvement, some of which we hope have been incorporated in this latest incarnation of the routines. In terms of the new methods in PRIMER 7, special thanks are due to Paul Somerfield (Plymouth Marine Laboratory, UK) and Marti Anderson (Massey University, Auckland, NZ), along with several colleagues/collaborators at Murdoch University, Western Australia (Fiona Valesini, James Tweedley, Margaret Platell, Ian Potter and Richard Warwick). KRC also acknowledges his honorary fellowship at Plymouth Marine Laboratory and his adjunct professorship at Murdoch University. We are also keen to thank the many individuals who have, through undertaking the local organisation of PRIMER training workshops, allowed us to get valuable feedback on the ways in which PRIMER is being used, and how it might be more effective. Special mention needs to be made of those who have repeatedly volunteered (!) over the last 15 years: Gerhard Pohle (Hunts¬man MSC, St Andrews NB, Canada; 8 times), Euan Harvey (formerly UWA now Curtin University, W Australia; 7), Steve Murray (CSU Fullerton CA, USA; 6), Walt Jaap (USF St Petersburg FL, USA; 6), Rachel Gorman (La Trobe University, Wodonga VIC, Australia; 5), and staff of the Marine Biological Association, Plymouth, UK (~25); and those who have led PRIMER (and PERMANOVA+) workshops with us, and for us, over this time, primarily Paul Somerfield and Marti Anderson, but also JJ Cruz and Edlin Guerra (U Simón Bolívar, Caracas & U Oriente, Isla Margarita, Venezuela) and Victor Quintino (U Aveiro, Portugal).
Bob Clarke & Ray Gorley (2015)