PRIMER v7: User Manual / Tutorial
K. R. Clarke & R. N. Gorley (2015)
An overview of the software.
Getting in touch with us
For any up-to-date news about PRIMER, including details of upcoming PRIMER workshops, see our web...
System requirements
PC with Intel compatible processor. Any modern Windows operating system (XP or later). Sufficien...
Installing PRIMER
You need to be logged on as an administrator. You can keep version 6 or earlier versions installe...
Information on analyses
Detailed information and examples of virtually all the analyses offered by PRIMER v7 are found in...
In examples in this manual you may see the main menu item PERMANOVA+. This is an add-on product t...
Introduction to the methods of PRIMER
Application Areas PRIMER 7 (Plymouth Routines In Multivariate Ecological Research) consists prima...
Changes from PRIMER 6 to PRIMER 7
Wizards and major new analysis options Dialog boxes generally are more ‘wizard’-based, unifying a...
Typographic conventions for this manual
Emphases & text symbols Text in bold indicates the menu items that need to be selected, > denotes...
A brief tour through the operation of PRIMER v7
A brief tour through the operation of PRIMER v7
Opening the examples
Opening the examples After launching the PRIMER desktop by clicking on its icon, the first step i...
Reading data in from Excel
Reading data in from Excel As an example of reading in data from Excel, first open and examine th...
Basic MVA wizard
Basic MVA wizard To cater for users completely unfamiliar with the basic outputs from a multivari...
Pre-treatment of data
Pre-treatment of the data (sometimes in more than one way) is usually desirable. For assemblage d...
Matrix display wizard
On active sheet Fal nematode abundance, run Wizards>Matrix display, not taking all the defaults i...
Environmental data
For environmental-type data, such as the Fal environment sheet, it is often appropriate to transf...
Resemblance calculation
Resemblance is the general term in PRIMER used to cover (dis)similarity or distance coefficients....
ANOSIM tests
The wizard then runs, for both biotic and abiotic data, Analyse>ANOSIM>(Model: One-way - A) & (Fa...
CLUSTER analyses
The Basic MVA wizards then run a cluster analysis, again on the respective resemblance matrices. ...
MDS & PCA ordinations
The Basic MVA wizard next produces non-metric MDS (nMDS) plots in 2-d and 3-d, together with thei...
Species analyses
The final step in the Basic MVA wizard is to break down the dissimilarities (or distances) betwee...
Other analyses
A further bubble plot you might like to try on the Fal nMDS is to superimpose abiotic variables f...
0. Trial version, Help system, Manuals, Updates, Install and Uninstall (Help)
Primer 7 trial software
A trial version of PRIMER 7 is freely available, which is downloadable from the PRIMER-e web site...
Help system & manuals
The Help main menu has the entries shown, starting with View Help, the HTML Help system: This li...
The Help>About PRIMER menu item will tell you: which maintenance version number you are currently...
Install and Uninstall
You will need to run Help>Install Licence at the point at which you have purchased an installatio...
Example data
Help>Get Examples V7 will take you to the data sets used throughout this manual [and Help>Get Exa...
1. Opening, editing and saving data (File, Edit)
Getting the examples
The installation and subsequent run of Help>Get Examples V7 will have placed a number of sub-dire...
Primer file types
Whether the extensions *.pri, *.xls(x) etc. display, or not, is a function of your Windows set-up...
Compatibility of files
PRIMER 7 is fully forward-compatible from v6, and can input PRIMER 6, 5 and 4 data (*.pri and *.p...
Opening the PRIMER 7 desktop
Start the program by (double)-clicking on the desktop or task bar PRIMER 7 icon , giving the win...
Entering data directly
Most users will already have their data stored in rectangular form in some other software, e.g. a...
Labelling samples & variables
At this point only the default row (variables V1, V2, …) and column labels (samples S1, S2, …) ha...
Deleting & inserting rows/cols
In addition to attaching labels, the Edit menu allows a range of other edit functions on the data...
Undo data sheet edits
Occasionally, cell values are accidentally deleted or rows/columns added in unintended places but...
Moving & sorting rows/cols
Movement of rows or columns uses both highlighting and the cursor position. Rows (or columns) to ...
Cut, copying & pasting
The Edit>Cut and Edit>Copy operations send part of a worksheet (or its factors/indicators) to the...
Saving data, renaming & deleting
The data sheet can now be saved (as can any item created in the workspace) from the File menu. F...
Undo in the workspace
Another new feature to PRIMER 7 is the option Undo Workspace which back-tracks for the workspace ...
Saving, closing & opening a workspace
Typically, a single workspace would encompass one or more inter-connected data sets which are ana...
Setting the initial directory
It may sometimes be convenient to set the initial (default) directory to which PRIMER 7 opens eve...
Opening PRIMER files
File>Open>(File name: Ekofisk macrofauna counts.pri)>Open will read in the existing Ekofisk speci...
(Ekofisk oil-field fauna)
The abundance file Ekofisk macrofauna counts.pri is displayed within the PRIMER desktop. It shows...
Edit>Properties produces the Sample Data Properties dialog box, seen earlier, where information a...
Opening Excel files
Usually, rectangular data matrices of variables by samples, or samples by variables, will initial...
(Ekofisk abiotic data)
For the 39 sites around the Ekofisk oil-field, environmental data is available on concentrations ...
Wizard for input data
File>Open gives the same Open dialog box as previously but, importantly, the drop down menu on th...
Missing or zero values?
The final option is whether a blank cell in the Excel sheet should be interpreted as a Missing va...
(Tasmanian meiofauna)
This study concerns meiofaunal abundances from a two-way layout of samples on a sand-flat in Eagl...
Opening several files at once
The directory C:\Examples v7\Tasmania meiofauna contains the PRIMER 7 files of separate nematode ...
Opening the same file twice
PRIMER 7 will allow the same file to be opened into the workspace more than once, since the respo...
Text-format input files
The Tasmania meiofauna directory also contains three different text format versions of the copepo...
Factors in 3-column text format files
Associated with each record are often one or more factors which define the conditions under which...
Dialog for input of text format files
Read in the first of the above text files: File>Open>(Files of type: Text Files (*.txt, *.csv)) &...
Size of data worksheets
There are no fixed size limits for arrays within PRIMER 7, simply an overall limit determined by ...
Merging worksheets
For data collection reasons, it may still be the case that data from essentially the same array a...
Output data formats
Output format options, with File>Save Data As, are generally the reverse of input choices. The de...
Editing labels
Take File>Open>(Filename: Tasmania copepods v4.pm1)>Type•Species-sample to input this (archival) ...
2. Factors (and Indicators), identifying sample (and species) groups
Active window
If you have been carrying out the manipulations in Section 1, by now you will have several sheets...
Use of factors
With Tasmania nematodes as the active window, select Edit>Factors from the main menu (or use the ...
Creating & filling in factors
In the Factors dialog box (obtained from Edit>Factors on Tasmania nematodes) take Add>(Add factor...
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete in factors
An alternative (and clumsier!) way of creating this factor would be type in the top half, then hi...
Renaming & reordering factors
Finally, to make factors in the Tasmania nematodes sheet consistent with the text format copepod ...
Multiple sessions and recent workspaces
As a further example of Fill>Value to quickly set up a factor of group levels you might like to r...
Combining factors (e.g. to average)
With the Tasmania nematodes sheet active, open the Factors dialog with Edit>Factors. Combining fa...
Factor keys
A further button on the Edit>Factors dialog box is Key, which you could examine with the factors ...
Importing factors
New factors can be created at several stages during an analysis, not just when the active window ...
Label matching
Alternatively, the same endpoint could have been achieved by Adding three new blank factors to th...
Factors in *.xls(x) or *.txt files
As noted in Section 1, factors can be created as part of the Excel or text files which are the us...
Creating indicators on variables
Indicator is the term PRIMER uses for a factor defined on the variables not on the samples. It is...
Indicators in selection
Selection by indicator levels is demonstrated by Select>Variables>(•Indicator levels)>(Indicator ...
Variable information (aggregation files)
However, the full range of hierarchical indicators represented by a Linnaean classification (whi...
3. Highlighting and selection (Select)
Highlight and select
There are many cases in which analyses of different subsets of the samples or species are require...
(W Australia fish diets)
Dietary data on the gut contents of 7 marine fish species found in nearshore waters of the lower ...
Summary Statistics
File>Open>Filename: WA fish diets %vol, and examine the factors sheet with Edit>Factors. The samp...
Control of highlighting
Thus, with the WA fish diets %vol datasheet as the active window, highlight all columns except th...
Selecting & deselecting highlights
When all except columns A9, B3 and B4 are highlighted, take Select>Highlighted. Alternatively, ri...
Duplicating a selected worksheet
Though most Save operations are on whole workspaces, occasionally a data matrix needs to be saved...
Selecting by factor levels
The highlighting route to selection can be bypassed altogether using the other options on the Sel...
Multiple selections
It is important to note the effect of this second selection on WA fish diets %vol; it produces a ...
Selecting by number and non-missing
It may sometimes be easier to use the sample numbers, here Select>Samples>•Sample numbers> 1,2,5,...
Selecting variables
Any of the options for selecting samples are also available for selecting variables, e.g. selecti...
Selecting by ‘most important’
There are, however, three other selection methods under Select>Variables that are specific to sel...
Selection in resemblance matrices
Looking ahead to Section 5, when the active window is a (triangular) resemblance matrix, selectio...
4. Pre-treatment options
Standardising samples
How the data are treated, prior to computation of a resemblance matrix (e.g. similarities), can h...
Stats to worksheet
Several of the routines in PRIMER 7 also incorporate a check box for sending summary statistics u...
Standardising species
Pre-treatment>Standardise can also be used to standardise the matrix on the variables axis, e.g. ...
Transforming (overall)
Transformation is usually applied to all the entries in an assemblage matrix of counts, biomass, ...
Shade plots to aid choice of transform
A major new feature in PRIMER 7 is the large number of additional plotting routines, one of the c...
Transforming abiotic variables
Transformations may be appropriate for environmental variables too, though usually for a differen...
Draftsman, histogram & multi-plots
Temporarily deselect the Distance (as in Section 3), and run Plots>Draftsman Plot on the other 9 ...
Transforming (individual)
Both the Draftsman and Histogram Plots show that several of the Ekofisk abiotic variables are hig...
Normalising variables
It is typical of a suite of physico-chemical variables (or biomarkers, water-quality indices etc....
Dispersion weighting of species
When variables are on different measurement scales, there is little viable alternative to normali...
(Fal estuary copepods)
Sediment copepod assemblages (and other fauna) from five creeks of the Fal estuary, SW England, w...
Other variable weighting
There are other cases in which variables (species) might need prior weighting, e.g. when a specie...
Mixed data types
Another example might be in attempting to reconcile two different types of data in the same matri...
Variability weighting
Pre-treatment>Variability Weighting is a new option in PRIMER 7, which bears similarities to the ...
(Biomarkers for N Sea flounder)
The directory C:\Examples v7\N Sea biomarkers holds a data sheet N Sea flounder biomarkers(.pri) ...
Cumulating samples
The remaining option on the Pre-treatment menu is Cumulate samples, which successively adds up th...
(Particle sizes for Danish sediments)
Sediment particle size data from 6 size ranges at 3 sites (A, B, C), at 2 depths (2m and 5m), and...
Surface plots
The smoothing effect can best be seen by Plots>Surface Plot of both Data1 and Data2 sheets – a fu...
5. Resemblance: similarities, dissimilarities and distances
Resemblance matrices
Fundamental to the operation of PRIMER and (explicitly or implicitly) any fully multivariate anal...
Standard resemblance choices
A detailed discussion of the competing properties of different resemblance matrices is outside th...
Bray-Curtis similarity
The most commonly-used similarity coefficient for biological community analysis, because it obeys...
Zero-adjusted Bray-Curtis
A simple modification to the Bray-Curtis coefficient adjusts its behaviour as samples become vani...
(Tikus Island coral cover)
Data on coral communities at a site in Tikus Island, Thousand Islands, Indonesia, over the years ...
Euclidean distances
Euclidean distance, an appropriate measure for environmental (and other) data types, is defined a...
Index of Association
The remaining of the three choices in the initial list, Measure•Index of Association, is essentia...
Accessing other resemblance measures
PRIMER 7 allows the user choice of 44 other resemblances, firstly divided into two (mutually excl...
Distance measures
The distance measures defined by L&L and calculated by PRIMER 7 (in addition to $D_1$) are: $ D_2...
‘Modified Gower’
Anderson MJ, Ellingsen KE, McArdle BH 2006, Ecol Lett 9: 683-693 used Czekanowski’s mean characte...
Similarity to dissimilarity
L&L also assign $D_{14}$ to Bray-Curtis dissimilarity, the complement of $S_{17}$, defined earlie...
Quantitative similarity measures
In addition to Bray-Curtis $S_{17}$, and its zero-adjusted modification, PRIMER 7 also calculates...
Presence/ Absence similarities
There are numerous similarity measures defined for simple species lists, i.e. when the data consi...
Quantitative measures on P/A data; Unravelling resemblances; Scatter plots
It is instructive to draw the other links between quantitative coefficients and the presence/abse...
Other coefficients
Returning to the quantitative resemblance coefficients in the •Others list, five further measures...
Between-curve distances
Another useful application of multivariate methods was touched on at the end of Section 4, namely...
(Plymouth particle-size analysis)
An example of a particle-size analysis (PSA) matrix has already been seen for Danish sediments at...
Taxonomic distinctness/ aggregation files
A later section (15) discusses univariate diversity indices that can be computed from each sample...
Taxonomic dissimilarity measures
This concept of taxonomic distinctness can be carried over from a diversity index to a dissimilar...
(Groundfish of European shelf waters)
Assemblage data from 93 groundfish species, those that could be reliably sampled and identified i...
Relatedness supplied as resemblances
Note the alternative means of supplying the variable information, to these dissimilarity measures...
Analysing between variables
The introduction above of the concept of ‘distances’ among species raises the issue of how best t...
Correlation between variables
One context in which resemblances between variables is often of primary interest is in dealing wi...
Correlation as similarity
Use of a correlation matrix between all pairs of variables as input to a multivariate ordination ...
Corrections for missing data
Returning to the main purpose of resemblance measures, to describe similarity among samples, an i...
Saving & opening triangular matrices
File>Save Resem As will save a resemblance matrix in internal binary PRIMER v7 (*.sid) format, th...
6. Clustering methods (CLUSTER, SIMPROF, UNCTREE, kRCLUSTER)
Clustering methods & choice of linkage
PRIMER 7 now carries out a wider range of clustering methods than previously: a) hierarchical agg...
All of the clustering methods are able to exploit ‘similarity profile’ (SIMPROF) permutation test...
SIMPROF on large matrices
The dendrogram itself is rapidly calculated, at least for the agglomerative methods, since no sea...
Modifying plots in PRIMER
Though PRIMER 7 does not attempt to replicate all the facilities available in graphics presentati...
(Exe estuary nematodes)
Assemblage data on 140 species of free-living marine nematodes at 19 sites (labelled 1-19) in the...
Cophenetic correlation
The dendrogram is displayed in a plot window, and a separate Results window gives a detailed list...
Copying & pasting plots externally
Returning to the main point of the previous example, the production of the dendrogram, note that ...
Sample labels & symbols menu/tab
When the active window is a plot, levels of a factor can be displayed in place of sample labels a...
Symbol & text sizes
Label font sizes, typeface, colours etc can be changed with the (Labels:Data font) button, and si...
Editing plot titles & scales
Still in the Graph Options dialog box, take the Titles tab and edit the main and sub-title conten...
General menu/tab & Keys tab
Finally, on the General tab (also reached directly from Graph>General), thicken up all lines with...
Special menu for slicing & orientation of dendrograms
Unlike Graph>Samples Labels & Symbols or Graph>General, which take you to the Graph Options dialo...
Rotating & condensing dendrograms
The order of samples on the (by default) x axis of a dendrogram is to a large extent arbitrary, s...
Timing bar, Stop Tasks & multi-tasking
As discussed at the start of this section, if you have set SIMPROF running, with the (✓SIMPROF te...
Ordering factor levels in keys; Point & click short-cuts
PRIMER 7 now automatically displays the levels of a numeric factor in increasing order in a plot ...
Zooming dendrograms
Zooming is invoked by Graph>Zoom In or Zoom Out from the main menu, or by clicking on the Zoom in...
SIMPROF method
The similarity profile test (SIMPROF), Clarke KR, Somerfield PJ, Gorley RN 2008, J Exp Mar Biol E...
(Bristol Channel zooplankton)
Densities from 24 species of zooplankton at 57 sites in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary, c...
CLUSTER results window
In addition to the dendrogram plot itself, Analyse>CLUSTER (like all analysis routines) produces ...
SIMPROF direct run
SIMPROF can be run directly using Analyse>SIMPROF, rather than as part of another analysis such a...
SIMPROF Types (1-4)
The first dialog box from running Analyse>SIMPROF, however, is of a new option to PRIMER 7, a cho...
SIMPROF on a subset of samples
From the Bristol Channel zooplankton transformed data matrix Data1, select (say) the samples of t...
Histograms of null distributions
As in all permutation tests in PRIMER v7 (e.g. in ANOSIM, RELATE, BEST etc), a further output fro...
Linkage by flexible beta method
There are four possible Cluster mode choices within the Analyse>Cluster>CLUSTER dialog box, disti...
Single and complete linkage
Now re-run Analyse>Cluster>CLUSTER>(Cluster mode•Single linkage), creating the SIMPROF factor Sin...
Limiting font size
Note that the plots above required a certain amount of juxtaposition of different font sizes for ...
Binary divisive clustering
Two new clustering methods are introduced towards the end of Chapter 3 in CiMC, the first still a...
UNCTREE options
Using the Bristol Channel zooplankton workspace which should still be open, and with active sheet...
Text pane in tree plots; A% and B% y-axis scales
Note how each node is now lettered so that information about the R value for that split can be di...
Special menu for divisive trees
PRIMER 7 also provides a choice of representations of the tree structure, using either the A% or ...
Flat-form clustering
Another new introduction in PRIMER 7 is a form of non-hierarchical (flat) clustering, the analogu...
7. Managing the workspace and plotting (Window, File, View, Multi Plot, Plots)
Explorer tree
It will have been obvious from performing the worked examples of the previous sections that the s...
Forward and backward propagation
The Explorer tree not only makes it easy to navigate the sequence of steps taken in an analysis b...
Closing, redisplaying & tiling windows; Minimising windows; View menu
From the Explorer tree for the above illustration, you can see that workspace has been saved as B...
Understanding the Explorer tree
Understanding the Explorer tree, however, is the key to managing your work pattern in PRIMER. In ...
Rolling up branches of the tree
In the display of the Explorer tree at the beginning of this section, the SIMPROF1 window was...
Renaming or deleting items in a workspace; Undo in the Explorer tree to reinstate or re-order
Met briefly in Section 1 and again above, renaming or deleting windows in the Explorer tree is an...
Saving plots
The name of a window can also be changed as part of the process of saving it, as a file external ...
Vector vs. pixel plots
Closing the second PRIMER desktop and returning to the original Bristol Channel ws workspace, not...
Saving graph values; Saving results
Certain graphs, such as MDS ordinations (Section 8) or Cluster dendrograms, can be validly rotate...
Adding notes
It is not permitted to edit directly the information in a results window. This tells you what ope...
Printing results and graphs
Direct printing from PRIMER is also possible for analysis endpoints such as results windows, all ...
Automatic creation of multi-plots
The concept of a Multi-plot is a new feature in PRIMER 7. This construction has already been met ...
User creation/ manipulation of multi-plots
In addition to automatic generation by certain routines, multi-plots can be created and populated...
Plots menu
PRIMER 7 has a new Plots main menu, available when the active window is a data matrix. This bring...
Workspace planning
To conclude this section, it is worth remarking that care taken in structuring workspaces will of...
8. Multi-dimensional scaling (Non-metric nMDS, Metric mMDS, Combined MDS)
Rationale for nMDS & mMDS
Chapter 5 of the CiMC methods manual describes the operation and rationale of multi-dimensional s...
Combined MDS & ‘Fix Collapse’
A further new feature of nMDS in PRIMER 7 is the ability to minimise a combination of two stress ...
Diagnostic tools for MDS plots
In addition to the ability in a previous PRIMER version to Graph>Special>Overlays>(✓Overlay clust...
Overlaying factors or other data (bubble plot)
The ability to display, on any ordination plot, external structure such as factors (e.g. for site...
Running an nMDS (Exe nematodes)
From the directory C:\Examples v7\Exe nematodes, File>Open the workspace Exe ws, last seen in Sec...
MDS results window
As with all results windows, the MDS1 window first lists the resemblance sheet on which analysis ...
Shepard diagrams
That the stress is low here is also evident from the Shepard diagrams for the 2-d and 3-d solutio...
Dissimilarity preservation as a matrix correlation
One can also ask how well the (Euclidean) distances among points in the nMDS plot correlate with ...
Accuracy & fit scheme
For the MDS run above, two of the defaults taken for options in the MDS dialog were (Minimum stre...
Graph menu: rotating and flipping the 2-d ordination
nMDS ordinations (unlike mMDS) have no meaningful axis scales for the configuration, since they u...
Align graphs automatically
A new feature in PRIMER 7 is the ability to automatically reflect in the axes and rotate an MDS c...
Zoom & MDS subset plots
It is scarcely necessary here, with only 19 samples, to zoom in on part of the plot in order to s...
Special menu for ordination; Aspect ratio of boundary
We have seen before that, whilst the Graph>Sample Labels & Symbols and General menus are universa...
Diagnostics for MDS: join pairs
There are a number of new diagnostic tools available in PRIMER 7 for assessing how well a low-d o...
Features that carry over to 3-d ordination
It is worth saying, as we start to explore the wide range of tools which can be applied to an MDS...
Minimum spanning tree (MST)
The minimum spanning tree (MST, see CiMC for the Gower and Ross, 1969 reference) is used in the s...
Linking MDS plots to cluster analysis
The 2-d ordination plot shows a clear separation of the nematode assemblages at these 19 sites in...
Cluster overlays on MDS plots
The second way in which a cluster analysis can be displayed on a 2-d MDS plot, to aid assessment ...
Dendrogram & 2-d MDS in a 3-d plot
Rather than creating a small number of (arbitrary) slices through a dendrogram, superimposed on a...
3-d ordination plots & axes selection
As we have seen for the nMDS run on the Exe nematode data, in the first graphic of this Section, ...
Rotate axes or rotate/flip data
The 3-d Exe nematode nMDS plot should be in the current workspace as Graph5 under Multiplot1 (if ...
Drawing verticals for 3-d plots
Whilst it is relatively easy to visualise a 3-d plot by rotation of the axes – and PRIMER 7 is no...
(W Australia fish diets)
Re-open the workspace WA fish ws from C:\Examples v7\WA fish diets, which will provide an example...
Higher-d & scree plots (WA fish diet)
Run nMDS at a wider range of dimensionalities than the default and ask for a scree plot: Analyse>...
Spinning a 3-d MDS & capture in a movie file
The 3-d MDS plot box can be made to rotate horizontally, automatically (from whatever vertical pe...
(Morlaix macrofauna, Amoco-Cadiz oil spill)
Some data sets have a natural sequence to their samples, usually a time series (though this can b...
Overlay trajectories
A trajectory joining points on an ordination is simply added using Graph>Special>Overlays and tak...
Sequence animation, captured in 2- & 3-d
The time pattern above is evident from simple addition of the trajectory but there are occasions ...
Trajectories split & then sequence animated
In fact, if the animation is repeated with trajectories running across months, separately drawn f...
(Tees Bay macrofauna time series)
A clearer, static, example of the benefits of split trajectories on ordination plots is provided ...
Matching variable sets; (Ekofisk oil-field study)
The final two sections of the Graph>Special dialog concern overlaying vectors and ‘bubbles’ of nu...
Bubble plots of single variables
The above MDS draws on all 174 species (with more abundant species given greater weight) but only...
Bubble colours
A new feature in PRIMER 7 is that these bubbles will be plotted in different colours – or in mono...
Bubble key
The key to the left of the plot, which gives the root-transformed scale for Abra prismatica count...
Bubble images
A further new option on this Key dialog is to replace single-coloured circles with a (rectangular...
Duplicate graphs
Abra prismatica appears to be a species which can tolerate the contaminant or disturbance effects...
Vector plots for species
One tempting alternative, commonly found in the literature, is to plot (species) variables as vec...
Environment bubble & vector plots
An important use for a bubble plot is in displaying the behaviour of a further measured variable,...
Segmented bubble plots
Given the inadequacies of vector plots for displaying species contributions to ordinations, but t...
(Bristol Channel zooplankton)
The BC zooplankton density data sheet in C:\Examples v7\BC zooplankton was used in the last half ...
Bubble plots in 3-d MDS; (W Australia fish diets)
Another new feature in PRIMER 7 is the ability to construct bubble plots in 3-d ordinations, wher...
Bubble plots on averages
For these data, a segmented bubble plot on a 2-d ordination provides a succinct summary of the re...
Bubble data selection error & Refresh
It is worth repeating the point made at the start of these examples on bubble plots: if the routi...
Metric MDS; (Great-circle distances for world cities)
A significant new feature in PRIMER 7 is the construction of metric MDS ordinations (mMDS), toget...
Identifying points on the Shepard plot
Show this by running the matching nMDS to the above mMDS, this time setting (Minimum stress: 0.00...
Animating the mMDS/nMDS iterations
Another feature introduced in PRIMER 7 is more of a teaching tool than an analysis method per se,...
(Morlaix macrofauna, Amoco-Cadiz oil spill)
Close the World cities worksheet (it will not be needed again) and re-open workspace Morlaix ws, ...
Threshold metric MDS (tmMDS)
The mMDS Shepard diagram above strongly suggests a middle course between simple metric and non-me...
Metric MDS for ordinating few points
Though usually greatly inferior to nMDS for typical ordinations from community similarities (e.g....
‘Fix collapse’ in nMDS; (Ko Phuket transects of coral reefs)
The PRIMER 7 nMDS dialog box includes a new option to (✓Fix Collapse). This addresses the problem...
Combined nMDS; (Messolongi diatoms & abiotic data)
A variation of the above, and a final new PRIMER 7 feature to discuss in this section, is the opt...
9. Analysis of Similarity tests (unordered and ordered ANOSIM)
ANOSIM introduction
The series of ANOSIM (analysis of similarity) tests, accessed through Analyse>ANOSIM, operate on ...
1-way layout (WA fish diet example)
Return to the W Australian fish diet data, introduced at the start of Section 4 and last seen und...
Pairwise comparisons
The table ending the results window gives the pairwise comparisons. For each pair of groups (fish...
Other 1-way ANOSIM options
Checking the (✓Pairwise tests to worksheet) box has also sent the above R values to a worksheet i...
1-way layout (Biomarkers example)
ANOSIM applies equally well to data on environmental, biomarker or morphometric variables, which ...
1-way ordered ANOSIM (Ekofisk oil-field study)
However, for the Ekofisk oil-field study of the last section there is a postulated cause for bent...
2-way crossed ANOSIM (Tasmanian crabs study)
An example of a 2-way crossed layout was introduced in Section 1, for meiofaunal communities in s...
2-way crossed ANOSIM (Danish sediment data; Phuket coral reefs)
For an example of a 2-way crossed ANOSIM test in a very different context, save and close the abo...
1-way ordered without replication
In the unordered 1-way design, replication is essential for any sort of test (otherwise how can y...
2-way crossed ordered test
The test for an ordered factor (A) in the 2-way crossed design parallels the construction seen ea...
ANOSIM for 2-way crossed design with no replication (Exe study)
The 2-way crossed ANOSIM for an unordered factor, and with each combination of the two factors on...
2-way nested ANOSIM (Calafuria macroalgae)
Subtidal rocky reefs, at c10m depth, at the Calafuria station in the Ligurian Sea, N Italy, were ...
3-way crossed ANOSIM (King Wrasse diets)
A dietary study of W Australian fish concerns composition by the volume of taxa (21 broad dietary...
3-way fully nested design (NZ holdfast fauna)
The 3-way fully nested design has factor C at the lowest level, nested in B at the mid level, whi...
3-way crossed /nested design (Tees Bay macrofauna)
The two other possible 3-way designs can be written C(A$\times$B) and B$\times$C(A). The first is...
10. Wizards and species analyses (Basic MVA, Coherence plots, Matrix display, SIMPER)
Basic multivariate analysis wizard
The three Wizards menu items carry out sequences of routines, all of which can be run separately ...
Basic MVA for structured data (Fal nematodes)
The benthic faunal study in the Fal estuary, Cornwall UK, was seen in Section 4. Sediment samples...
Basic MVA for a priori unstructured biotic data
In the Fal estuary study, where there are environmental data matching each of the 27 sites, it is...
Basic MVA for environ-mental data
Finally, try running Analyse>Basic multivariate analysis on this environmental data matrix, Fal e...
Wizard for Matrix display
Another significant addition to the descriptive tools now available in PRIMER 7 is that of Plots>...
(Frierfjord macrofauna)
A data set not met elsewhere in this manual but which is used a great deal in CiMC, e.g. to start...
Reducing the species set
Of the 110 species, many occur only in one or two replicates, often as singleton individuals, so ...
Transforms in Matrix display
The next dialog box on Matrix display is (Transformation: ), with default of Square roo...
Branches created in the Explorer tree
The first branch takes the square root of the full matrix Frierfjord macrofauna counts, giving Da...
Shade Plot options in Matrix display
The Graph options taken automatically by Matrix Display to produce the final shade plot output ar...
Seriate operation; Seriate a shade plot dendrogram
Slightly more detail on how the seriate options are constructed, on both samples and species axes...
(Ekofisk oilfield macrofauna)
A good example of how ordering of species in a shade plot can aid interpretation is seen for macr...
(King Wrasse diets)
A Western Australian study of the dietary assemblages of a single fish species (King Wrasse) were...
Special menu for shade plot; Shade plot colours
With OK to get back to the first dialog screen under Special, we now look at the options availabl...
3-d shade plot
A further option on the initial Special menu for a shade plot (✓3D>Opacity (0-100): 75) turns the...
Save sample/ variable order
A final choice on the Special dialog for shade plots can be useful when planning to compare plots...
Clustering on species and samples (Exe nematodes)
The time-averaged Exe nematode community data were used extensively in Section 8 to illustrate nM...
Ordering by a worksheet variable
The core task faced by the Special>Reorder operation is to reduce what is inevitably a high-d sim...
Nearest neighbour ordering
The final option that Reorder offers, attempting to find a useful ordering on a 1-d axis of a non...
Other tree diagrams & SIMPROF (Bristol Ch. zooplankton)
For the final example of the options in shade plot, save and close Exe ws and return to the Brist...
Coherence plots wizard & Types 2/3 SIMPROF; (L. Linnhe macrofauna)
The third item on the Wizards menu is Coherence plots. This is a combination of SIMPROF runs with...
Running Type 2 SIMPROF
A Type 2 SIMPROF test is not part of a Wizards>Coherent plots run, and there is a good case for c...
Running Type 3 SIMPROF
Type 3 SIMPROF can be run as a single test on the species set defined by the active matrix (which...
Line plots vs Shade plots
For this (reduced) Loch Linnhe data matrix, e.g. with the selection of 50 species made in Data1, ...
Shade plots showing coherent sets & variable boundaries
In order to display a shade plot carrying precisely the same information as the coherent species ...
‘Mondrian’ shade plots, with sample and variable boundaries
A final possibility for this Loch Linnhe data is to display both horizontal and vertical division...
Coherent sets of abiotic variables (N Sea biomarkers)
Save the workspace as Linnhe ws, close it and re-open the data on a suite of biomarkers (‘health’...
SIMPER (Similarity Percentages)
Shade plots are an excellently succinct way of displaying the abundance (or other quantity) of al...
Species dis-criminating two groups (Bristol Ch. zooplankton)
Re-open the Bristol Channel ws workspace from C:\Examples v7\BC zooplankton, for which the shade ...
Species typifying a group
Earlier in the results window, tables are given of the contributions of each species to the Bray-...
SIMPER on 2-way crossed layout (Tasmania nematodes)
A natural extension to the 1-way SIMPER is to the 2-way crossed design, so re-open the Tasmania w...
SIMPER on (squared) Euclidean (N Sea biomarkers)
Save and close Tasmania ws and, as a last example, open the recently closed N Sea ws workspace. O...
11. General data manipulation (Tools, further Pre-treatment)
Tools vs. Edit menu
Both the Edit (see Section 1) and Tools main menus carry out ‘housekeeping’ manipulations on a da...
Average and Sum on data matrices; Average on resemblance matrices
Tools>Average and Sum operate in the same way on data sheets. For example, when (Samples• Average...
So far we have only seen variable information sheets, containing taxonomic (or other) hierarchies...
Check on aggregation files
Use the open aggregation file, Groundfish taxonomy, to show the smaller set of Tools items (Tree,...
Tree menu; Check on datasheets & resemblances; Undefined resemblances
The other Tools menu item for aggregation sheets is distinctive to this case, namely Tools>Tree; ...
Duplicate; Merge (/join) operations
Tools>Duplicate operates in the same way whether the active window is a data array, resemblance m...
(Tasmanian meiofauna)
The nematode and copepod datasheets from 16 samples at a Tasmanian sand-flat (C:\Examples v7\ Tas...
Combined cells in Merge
Occasionally, use of strict label names does not give the this desired outcome, and the default b...
Avoiding strict label matching
The best policy to avoid confusion is to use precise, unique species and sample labels (typically...
Merging non-uniform species lists; (Phuket coral reefs); (Clyde dump-ground study)
Perhaps the greatest benefit of the strict label matching in PRIMER is the ability to Tools>Merge...
Missing data estimation
The subject of missing data has arisen several times already (Sections 1, 3, 5) and the point mad...
EM algorithm assumptions
Tools>Missing is designed to operate only on matrices for which: a) assumptions of multivariate n...
Missing data estimation (Clyde study)
Transformation options for the Clyde environmental matrix, Clyde environment, are discussed in mo...
Ranked variables
The following section (on PCA) will discuss further the choice of particular transformations to a...
Ranked resemblances
Ranking is also a menu option when the active sheet is a resemblance (Tools>Rank distance), but i...
Transposing the datasheet
The Clyde environment sheet has samples as rows and variables as columns. This is the opposite of...
Transform (individual) advanced
Unlike previous versions, in PRIMER 7 the Transform(individual) routine has been moved to a more ...
Expressions combining variables
For an example of an Expression combining two (or more) variables, use the Clyde environmental sh...
Expressions combining worksheets
Similarly, expressions can combine samples, or even factors (or indicators) on those samples (or ...
Average body mass matrix (B/A)
A useful variation of this, but one which needs more care, is to compute average body mass of eac...
Transform on resemblances; Combining resemblances
Transforming resemblances remains in the Tools menu in PRIMER 7, since it is not an option for pr...
Tools menu - other items; Tools Options menu
Tools operations on resemblances which are discussed elsewhere are: a) Dissim and Unravel in Sect...
12. Analysing environmental variables (Draftsman Plot, PCA)
Environment-type data
PRIMER uses the term environmental variables as a shorthand for a wide variety of data types (inc...
Draftsman plots recap & transform choices
Normalisation (subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation, for each variable), a...
Principal Components Analysis
PCA is an ordination method in which samples, regarded as points in the high-dimensional variable...
PCA eigen-vector plot
Though the vector overlay has a tendency to clutter the plot, the changing contaminant load along...
PC scores
The final table in the results window is headed Principal Component Scores – these can instead be...
PCA plot options
Many of the options for manipulating PCA configurations are exactly the same as for MDS plots, co...
Trajectories on PCA
From the Graph>Special menu, remove the vector overlay by unchecking the (✓Overlay vectors) box o...
Bubble plots on PCA
Of the other options on the Graph>Special menu, overlaying groups from a CLUSTER run (which to be...
Multiple 2-d & 3-d plots
As with MDS, use of Graph>Special>Main>Axes, with (Plot type•2D or •3D), allows any pairs or trip...
Interpreting PCA vs MDS pairwise plots
Another subtle distinction from MDS is that only a single PCA graph window is produced initially,...
PCA of data on biomarkers
An example where a 3-d plot is marginally more necessary is given by the biomarker data last see...
13. Linking assemblage to environment (BEST: Bio-Env, LINKTREE)
BEST rationale
The main rationale for the Analyse>BEST procedure in PRIMER is to find the best match between the...
Bio-Env vs BVStep
BEST amalgamated the earlier (PRIMER 5) BIOENV and BVSTEP procedures (hence BEST = Bio-Env + Step...
Change to active sheet for BEST
In what is one of the very few examples of ‘moving the furniture around’ between PRIMER 7 and ear...
Grouping variables in BEST
After the initial choice of Method, the next area on the BEST dialog inputs the explanatory (fitt...
Selecting variables & resemblance
After the (✓Group variables(indicator)) check box, the next option is a Select variables/groups b...
2-way BEST
On the right of this main dialog box for BEST is another option new to PRIMER 7, also covered in ...
The BEST matching statistic, $\rho$
On the mid-right of the main dialog for BEST, the box headed (Correlation method:) now offers thr...
Limiting the number of combinations
The final area of the main BEST dialog, headed Permutations, which carries out the global BEST te...
BEST results detail
The Next > button now takes you to a Results dialog box, which controls two features of the BEST ...
(Messolongi diatoms & abiotic data)
A study of diatom assemblages (abundances of 193 species) at 17 sites in the lagoons of Messol-on...
Global BEST test
The question of statistical significance testing on the results of the Bio-Env (or BVStep) proced...
Linkage trees – rationale
Another technique for linking sample patterns based on assemblage data to a suite of environmenta...
Non-metric, non-linear, non-additive
The Analyse>Cluster>LINKTREE routine has a number of features that are designed to mesh to the PR...
LINKTREE (Messolongi lagoons data
Continuing the lagoon diatom study, having first selected (highlighting then Select>Highlighted) ...
Low values of B% correspond to samples which are rather close together on the MDS plot and the qu...
Missing data in linkage trees
Note that LINKTREE is able to tolerate some missing data in the abiotic matrix – the piecemeal fo...
14. Further matching of multivariate patterns (RELATE, 2STAGE, BEST + MVDISP)
RELATE on resemblance matrices
The BEST routine in the previous section introduced the concept of measuring how closely related ...
Model matrix construction
Model matrices corresponding to more complicated structures than simple seriation or cyclicity ne...
RELATE hypothesis test
A permutation test can be applied to the matching coefficient $\rho$ between any two resemblance ...
Seriation (Phuket coral transects)
The Phuket coral-reef assemblages at equi-spaced positions down an onshore-offshore gradient (tr...
RELATE test on two biotic arrays
Given the breakdown of the serial gradient structure for 1987, is it now the case that the patter...
2-way RELATE for seriation
A new feature in PRIMER 7 parallels that discussed for the BEST analysis of the previous section,...
Seriation with replication
Return to the macrofaunal data set from the Ekofisk oilfield, with workspace Ekofisk ws last save...
Other Model Matrix options
The conclusion is, of course, consistent with the different, but closely-related, ordered ANOSIM ...
Expanding an (abiotic) data matrix
A RELATE test could equally well have been carried out between the Ekofisk community pattern and...
Expanded RELATE test (Exe nematodes)
As an example of Tools>Expand Samples on a data matrix (or Tools>Expand on a resemblance matrix, ...
Expand Samples or Expand resemblances
The Exe environment matrix does not seem (from Plots>Draftsman Plot or Histogram Plot) to contain...
Model matrix for 2D Euclidean; Cyclicity (Sea-loch macrofauna)
The other two Model Matrix options are (Type•Cyclicity (factor as cycles)) and (Type•Euclidean 2D...
2-way RELATE for cyclicity
A 2-way RELATE version of the above test where there are no replicates, and the cyclic factor und...
(Leschenault estuarine fish, W Australia)
Veale L et al 2014 J Fish Biol 85: 1320-1354 describe trawl sampling for nearshore estuarine fish...
Rationale for 2nd stage MDS
As seen above, the $\rho$ statistic, which rank correlates the elements of two similarity matrice...
Aggregation & transforms (Morlaix macrofauna)
Chapter 10 of CiMC gives several examples of aggregating species matrices to higher taxa – using ...
Second-stage nMDS (Morlaix macrofauna)
The illustration below has calculated all combinations of species (sp), genus (gn) and family (fm...
2STAGE for resemblance coefficients (Clyde study)
The technique of 2nd stage plots has also been used (Clarke KR, Somerfield PJ, Chapman MG 2006, J...
Conclusions on comparing resemblance coefficients
Clarke KR, Somerfield PJ, Chapman MG 2006, J Exp Mar Biol Ecol 330: 55-80 discuss this analysis (...
2STAGE for displaying ‘interactions’
A very different way of using 2nd stage matrices is best accessed through the alternative entry o...
(Phuket coral transect)
Open the workspace Phuket ws, of coral cover for the Ko Phuket transect A, in C:\Examples v7\ Phu...
2STAGE for time series and repeated measures
In the context of a 2-factor design, PRIMER makes a 2nd stage matrix very simple to produce but i...
(Tees Bay macrofauna)
The workspace Tees ws was saved in Section 9; if not available open the data Tees macrobenthic ab...
(Calafuria macroalgae experiment)
The Calafuria macroalgal recolonisation experiment monitored the same physical rock patches over ...
Other BEST applications
Another situation employing rank correlation ($\rho$) between two resemblance matrices is the BES...
BVStep stepwise selection
There is one fundamental problem with applying BEST (Bio-Env) in many of the above scenarios: the...
Species sets ‘explaining’ the overall pattern
The main application area for the BVStep routine introduced by Clarke KR & Warwick RM 1998, Oecol...
BVStep (Morlaix macrofauna)
Re-open the Morlaix ws workspace in C:\Examples v7\Morlaix macrofauna from earlier in this sectio...
BVStep starting and stopping options
On B-C on 4rt, Analyse>BEST>(Method•BVSTEP) & (Worksheet: 4rt data), taking the defaults for all ...
BVStep from random starts
Starting the iterative search process from a blank species list is certainly not guaranteed to ge...
Multivariate dispersion MVDISP
One of the few multivariate routines not so far met is Analyse>MVDISP, applied to a resemblance m...
(Mesocosm experiment, Solberg¬strand copepods)
The illustration used here is a simple 1-way design of 3 mesocosm treatments: Control (C), Low (L...
15. Biodiversity measures and tests (DIVERSE, TAXDTEST)
Input/output for diversity; Presentation of diversity information
PRIMER computes an extensive set of univariate diversity measures, covering most of the standard ...
Taxonomic distinctness
One of the distinctive features of PRIMER is its inclusion of a suite of biodiversity measures ba...
Standard indices calculated
The range of indices available is illustrated with the macrobenthic data Clyde macrofauna counts ...
Multivariate analysis of diversities
For the diversity (variables) by samples matrix, Data1, Plots>Draftsman Plot>(✓Correlations to wo...
(Bermuda macrofauna ); Caswell’s neutral model
Soft-sediment macrofaunal assemblages (along with meiofauna and biomarker suites) were studied at...
Range of relatedness indices calculated
In order to obtain a diversity measure which steps outside the species abundance distribution, an...
Species distance information
For the first set of measures (on the Taxdisc tab), the Taxonomy button gives a choice of whether...
Distances in aggregation worksheets
Such tree structures (e.g. taxonomies) are one of a distinct worksheet type, Variable Information...
Weighting of tree step lengths
The other box in this Taxonomy (data) dialog can be used to alter the weights given to the variou...
Taxonomic distinctness (European groundfish)
The aggregation matrix for the NW European beam-trawl survey data on groundfish assemblages (93 s...
Box plots & means plots for diversity indices
The sheet Data1 of this suite of diversity indices for each of the 277 samples, split into 9 sea ...
Testing taxonomic distinctness against a master list
Wide-ranging biogeographic studies, and particularly historic data, are often restricted to simpl...
TAXDTEST (European groundfish)
Further theoretical details and discussion can be found in Chapter 17 of CiMC, which also present...
Compute time & limits on path numbers
A new option in PRIMER 7 recognises that computation time can become an issue for particular rela...
Histograms for one sublist size
For an example, take the first of the 277 groundfish samples, the 0.25$^\circ$ rectangle S1. High...
Funnels for a range of sublist sizes
It is impractical to produce detailed histograms, such as those above, for each of the 277 sample...
Using taxon frequency in simulations
Another option on the TAXDTEST dialogs is that the simulation of random draws from the master lis...
‘Ellipses’ for joint values of ($\Delta^{\scriptscriptstyle +}$, $\Lambda^{\scriptscriptstyle +}$))
The final option is to consider $\Delta^{\scriptscriptstyle +}$ and $\Lambda^{\scriptscriptstyle ...
16. Diversity curves (Geometric Class, Dominance and Species-Accumulation Plots)
Range of diversity curves
PRIMER plots a range of what might be termed diversity curves, under the Plots>Geometric Class Pl...
Geometric class plots
These are essentially multiple frequency polygons, plotted on a single graph, for each sample in ...
Dominance curves
Dominance plot is the convenient generic name for a family of curves also known as ranked species...
(L. Linnhe macrofauna time-series); k-dominance, ordinary & partial plots
Macrobenthos in soft sediments of a site in Loch Linnhe, Scotland were monitored by Pearson TH 19...
Abundance-Biomass Comparison curves
ABC curves plot abundance and biomass k-dominance lines on the same plot, and are interpreted in ...
Matching when there are selections
An attempt to run the routine with the matrices reversed, or to run it on a data type Environment...
Testing for $k$-dominance curves
Testing for differences in ABC curves for group structures of sites, times or treatments etc, whe...
(Tikus Is coral cover)
The Tikus Island, Indonesia, data on % area cover of coral communities on 10 transects in the yea...
(Sea-loch contiguous macrofauna cores); Species accumulation plots
The final set of data in this section is of a benthic study by Gage JD & Coghill GG 1977, in Coul...
S estimators
PRIMER therefore includes a number of S extrapolators – attempts to predict the true total number...
17. Bootstrap regions for group means (Bootstrap averages)
Analogue of univariate means plots
For this final section, we consider only cases in which the samples form a 1-way layout, i.e. the...
Status of region estimates
Ordination means plots are therefore a vital tool for interpretation but, in relation to their un...
Bootstrap definition
The construction of approximate regions is approached through bootstrap averages. We only have on...
Bootstrap regions
These averages can then be used to generate a bootstrap region for each of the g groups – at its ...
Metric or non-metric plots?
The Analyse>Bootstrap Averages routine allows both metric and non-metric options for the MDS ordi...
Bootstrap averages in a reduced $m$MDS space
Though hopefully the above gives the motivation and an idea of the way the region estimates are c...
Output options for region plots
These b bootstrap averages for each of the g groups are then displayed in a low-d mMDS space and ...
(W Australia fish diets)
The diet study for 7 species of W Australian fish, with a variable number of dietary samples from...
Running the Bootstrap Averages routine
None of the above is necessary in order to create the means plot with regions based on bootstrap ...
Bootstrap regions for Tikus coral reef study
The above study was not an example given in Chapter 18 of CiMC and was therefore discussed in det...
Bootstrap regions for Fal estuary macrofauna
A final example of bootstrap regions which do strongly overlap, and for which the hypothesis test...
Index to data sets
Sections in which the specified data sets are analysed; bold indicates location of an introductio...
We thank our many collaborators, correspondents and workshop participants from around the world, ...