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Install and Uninstall

You will need to run Help>Install Licence at the point at which you have purchased an installation key (32 characters in blocks of 4), which is copied and pasted into the License Key box seen below. Once you have installed this key you do not need it again in order to download an update – the two operations of downloading/updating the software and authenticating your PC to run it (the latter being what the installation key is all about) are quite separate processes.


You might also need the above dialog to Uninstall Licence (i.e. de-authenticate it), e.g. if you get a new PC and need to move the software to it from your old one. All PRIMER 7 single-user licences will allow two simultaneous installations. To transfer an authentication to a new PC, on the old PC you must either run Help>Install Licence>Uninstall Licence (the inoperable software is then left on the machine) or take the standard Windows Uninstall a program, removing the software as well as the authentication. There is, however, a limit to the number of Uninstall/Install cycles permitted.

The primary need for Save License and Load License is in off-line authentication (for which you need to contact the PRIMER-e office). Note that they do not offer a means of saving the key and using it to authenticate the software on a new machine – you need the full License Key for that. Your main flexibility to cope with problems (e.g. a serious unrecoverable machine failure which stops you carrying out an Uninstall) is the second simultaneous installation permitted for the key. Or you may prefer to use the second licence for a home machine or a travel laptop, but keep your installation key secure (give it to someone else and you lose control of your installation options!