Primer file types
Whether the extensions *.pri, *.xls(x) etc. display, or not, is a function of your Windows set-up; if you have suppressed them it is still easy to distinguish the different file types by their icon. There are PRIMER 7-specific icons and extensions for the following:
(*.pri) sample data in rectangular format, and associated factors, description etc.;
(*.sid) triangular matrices of similarity, dissimilarity, distance (generically, resemblances);
(*.agg) aggregation file, assigning species to genera to families etc.;
(*.ppl) plot files, holding all the internal PRIMER information that structures the plot;
(*.pwk) workspace files of everything, so the PRIMER desktop can be reconstructed ‘as was’;
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(*.pdd) design files – these are only used in the separate PERMANOVA+ routines which are an add-on to the PRIMER software, see the separate PERMANOVA+ User Manual].