Active window
If you have been carrying out the manipulations in Section 1, by now you will have several sheets open in the C:\Examples v7\Tasmania workspace, the worksheet Tasmania nematodes and several identical versions of the copepod assemblages. Unclutter your PRIMER desktop by Window> Close All Windows and then re-display just Tasmania nematodes and Tasmania copepods by clicking on their icons in the Explorer tree. (If the workspace is clear, then File>Open these two *.pri files). It is fundamental to operation of PRIMER that only one window in the workspace is considered active at any one moment, and this will always be displayed on the PRIMER desktop and be identified by the slightly deeper colour title bar and the highlighted entry in the Explorer tree. You can select which one to activate by clicking anywhere on its window or the entry in the tree. Menu selections apply only to the active window, e.g. File> Save As, Edit>Labels, and the Analyse and Tools items (though these may specify one or more secondary sheets needed for a composite analysis). Note also that menus are dynamic, with content that changes with the context. When the active window is a rectangular data sheet, different Analyse options (e.g. Resemblance, DIVERSE, PCA) are available than for a triangular resemblance matrix (e.g. CLUSTER, MDS).