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Deleting & inserting rows/cols

In addition to attaching labels, the Edit menu allows a range of other edit functions on the data entries. For example, to delete whole columns (or rows), highlight them by clicking on their labels and then take a menu sequence such as Edit>Delete>Columns. A prompt is given for all such deletion operations to ask whether they were really intended. Note that the current cursor position – the cell in the sheet outlined in black – is ignored; deletion works only on highlighted rows or columns. In contrast, insertion ignores highlights and uses only the current cursor position, e.g. Edit>Insert>Row will add a new row immediately above the current position of the cursor and Edit>Insert>Column adds a new column to the left of the cursor. Logically therefore, if a new row or column is needed at the bottom or right of the whole data sheet, respectively, a different operation is required: this is Edit>Add>Row (or Column) and it will ignore the position of the cursor or any highlighting of rows or columns.