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1.5 The pseudo-F statistic

Once the partitioning has been done we are ready to calculate a test statistic associated with the general multivariate null hypothesis of no differences among the groups. For this, following R. A. Fisher’s lead, a pseudo-F ratio is defined as:

$$ F = \frac{ SS _ A / \left( a - 1 \right)} { SS _ {Res} / \left( N - a \right) } \tag{1.3} $$

where (a – 1) are the degrees of freedom associated with the factor and (Na) are the residual degrees of freedom. It is clear here that, as the pseudo-F statistic in (1.3) gets larger, the likelihood of the null hypothesis being true diminishes. Interestingly, if there is only one variable in the analysis and one has chosen to use Euclidean distance, then the resulting PERMANOVA F ratio is exactly the same as the original F statistic in traditional ANOVA10 ( Fisher (1924) ). In general, however, the PERMANOVA F ratio should be thought of as a “pseudo” F statistic, because it does not have a known distribution under a true null hypothesis. There is only one situation for which this distribution is known and corresponds to Fisher’s traditional F distribution, namely: (i) if the analysis is being done on a single response variable and (ii) the distance measure used was Euclidean distance and (iii) the single response variable is normally distributed. In all other cases (multiple variables, non-normal variables and/or non-Euclidean dissimilarities), all bets are off! Therefore, in general, we cannot rely on traditional tables of the F distribution to obtain a P-value for a given multivariate data set.

Some other test statistics based on resemblance measures (and using randomization or permutation methods to obtain P-values, see the next section) have been suggested for analysing one-way ANOVA designs (e.g., such as the average between-group similarity divided by the average within-group similarity as outlined by Good (1982) and Smith, Pontasch & Cairns (1990) , see also all of the good ideas in the book by Mielke & Berry (2001) and references therein). Unlike pseudo-F, however, these can be limited in that they may not necessarily yield straightforward extensions to multi-way designs.

10 In fact, a nice way to familiarise oneself with the routine is to do a traditional univariate ANOVA using some other package and compare this with the outcome from the analysis of that same variable based on Euclidean distances using PERMANOVA.