Chapter 1: A framework for studying changes in community structure
1.1 Introduction
The purpose of this opening chapter is twofold: a) to introduce some of the data sets which are u...
1.2 Univariate techniques
For diversity indices and other single-variable extractions from the data matrix, standard statis...
1.3 Example: Frierfjord macrofauna
The first example is from the IOC/GEEP practical workshop on biological effects of pollutants (),...
1.4 Distributional techniques
Table 1.3. Distributional techniques. Summary of analyses for the four stages. A less condense...
1.5 Example: Loch Linnhe macrofauna
Table 1.4. Loch Linnhe macrofauna {L}. Abundance/biomass matrix (part only); one (pooled) set o...
1.6 Example: Garroch Head macrofauna
describe the sampling of a transect of 12 sites across the sewage-sludge disposal ground at Garr...
1.7 Multivariate techniques
Table 1.5 summarises some multivariate methods for the four stages, starting with three descripti...
1.8 Example: Nutrient enrichment experiment, Solbergstrand
Table 1.7. Nutrient enrichment experiment, Solbergstrand mesocosm, Norway {N}. Meiofaunal abund...
1.9 Summary
A framework has been outlined of three categories of technique (univariate, graphical/distributio...