Chapter 13: Data requirements for biological effects studies - which components and attributes of the marine biota to examine?
13.1 Components
The biological effects of pollutants can be studied on assemblages of a wide variety of marine or...
13.2 Plankton and fish
Plankton The advantages of plankton are that: a) Long tows over relatively large distances result...
13.3 Macrobenthos and meiobenthos
Macrobenthos The advantages of soft-bottom macrobenthos are that: a) They are relatively non-mobi...
13.4 Hard-bottom epifauna and hard-bottom motile fauna
Hard-bottom epifauna The advantages of using hard-bottom encrusting faunas, reef-corals etc. are:...
13.5 Attributes and recommendations
Attributes Species abundance data are by far the most commonly used in environmental impact studi...