2. Factors (and Indicators), identifying sample (and species) groups
Active window
If you have been carrying out the manipulations in Section 1, by now you will have several sheets...
Use of factors
With Tasmania nematodes as the active window, select Edit>Factors from the main menu (or use the ...
Creating & filling in factors
In the Factors dialog box (obtained from Edit>Factors on Tasmania nematodes) take Add>(Add factor...
Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete in factors
An alternative (and clumsier!) way of creating this factor would be type in the top half, then hi...
Renaming & reordering factors
Finally, to make factors in the Tasmania nematodes sheet consistent with the text format copepod ...
Multiple sessions and recent workspaces
As a further example of Fill>Value to quickly set up a factor of group levels you might like to r...
Combining factors (e.g. to average)
With the Tasmania nematodes sheet active, open the Factors dialog with Edit>Factors. Combining fa...
Factor keys
A further button on the Edit>Factors dialog box is Key, which you could examine with the factors ...
Importing factors
New factors can be created at several stages during an analysis, not just when the active window ...
Label matching
Alternatively, the same endpoint could have been achieved by Adding three new blank factors to th...
Factors in *.xls(x) or *.txt files
As noted in Section 1, factors can be created as part of the Excel or text files which are the us...
Creating indicators on variables
Indicator is the term PRIMER uses for a factor defined on the variables not on the samples. It is...
Indicators in selection
Selection by indicator levels is demonstrated by Select>Variables>(•Indicator levels)>(Indicator ...
Variable information (aggregation files)
However, the full range of hierarchical indicators represented by a Linnaean classification (whi...